Standard Specifications for Airport Construction
March 3, 2025
Airport Specifications Table of Contents (All sections)
Section 10: Definitions and Terms
Section 20: Proposal Requirements and Conditions
Section 30:Award and Execution of Contract
Section 60: Control of Materials
Section 70: Legal Regulations and Responsibility to Public
Section 80: Exection and Progress
Section 90: Measurement and Payment
Section 100: Contractor Quality Control Program (CQCP)
Section 110: Method of Estimating Percentage of Material Within Specification Limits
G-100: Mobilization and Demobilization
G-115 Worker Meals and Lodging, or Per Diem
G-120: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program
G-130: Services to be Furnished by Contractor
G-131: Engineering Transportation
G-135: Construction Surveying and Monuments
G-200: Contractor Quality Control Program
G-300: Critical Path Method Scheduling
G-700: Traffic Control for Airports
G-705: Watering for Dust Control
L-101: Airport Rotating Beacons
L-108: Underground Power Cable for Airports
L-109: Airport Transformer Vault and Vault Equipment
L-110: Airport Underground Electrical Duct Banks and Conduits
L-115: Electrical Manholes and Junction Structures
L-119: Airport Obstruction Lights
L-125: Installation of Airport Lighting Systems
L-145: Standby Generator and Enclosure
P-602: Emulsified Asphalt Prime Coat
P-603: Emulsified Asphalt Tack Coat
P-605: Joint Sealants for Pavements
P-606: Adhesive Compounds, Two-Component for Sealing Wire and Light in Pavement
P-610: Concrete for Miscellaneous Structures
P-634: Longitudinal Joint Repair
P-641: Erosion, Sediment, and Pollution Control
P-648: Archaeological Monitoring
P-660: Retroflective Markers and Cones
P-670: Hazardous Area Barriers
P-671: Runway and Taxiway Closure Markers
P-680: Geotextile for Silt Fence
P-681: Geotextile for Separation and Stabilization
P-682: Geotextile for Drainage and Erosion Control
P-687: Geogrid for Embankment and Roadway Stabilization and Reinforcement
ASP 1: General Contract Provisions 12/31/21
ASP 2 Section 20: Bidding Requirements and Conditions12/31/21
ASP 3 Section 90: Measurement and Payment 12/31/21
ASP 4 Item S-142: Equipment Storage Building12/31/21
ASP 6 Item S-146: Passenger Waiting Shelter 12/31/21
ASP 7A Item G-120: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (Central & Southcoast) 12/31/21
ASP 9A Item P-641: Erosion, Sediment, and Pollution Control 4/18/23
3132 Channel Dr.,
P.O. Box 112500
Juneau, AK 99811-2500
Phone: (907)465-2975
Fax: (907)465-3124