Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) is found in mineral deposits in rock and in soils in many parts of Alaska and in many other states as well. When rock containing NOA is broken or crushed, asbestos may become airborne and cause a potential health hazard.
DOT&PF approves Site Specific Plans to provide immunity to landowners and contractors using gravel or aggregate material containing naturally occurring asbestos (NOA).
Site Specific Plans include the following:
Site Specific Plans may be submitted in Designated Areas only. Here is a list of the designated areas in Alaska:
Create a “Log in” at the DOT&PF T2 Training Website for the following online Training Courses:
If the workplace is unsafe or unhealthy, any interested party may file a complaint with the Alaska Occupational Safety and Health Program.
5800 East Tudor Road
Anchorage, AK 99507-1286
Phone: (907)269-6234
Fax: (907)269-6231
Chief Engineer