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Leasing Airport Property

Photo: hangar at FAI

The FAI Leasing team is part of the Alaska International Airport System (AIAS) Development Team.  To learn more about the Development Team, please visit Development, Alaska International Airport System, Transportation & Public Facilities, State of Alaska

Land Lease Public Presentation

Visit the Public Notices page for more information


Airport Boundary Map

Fairbanks International Airport Boundary Restrictions Map


Leasing Airport Property

Fairbanks International Airport occupies approximately 3,550 acres and is located about 4 miles southwest of downtown Fairbanks. The Airport is owned and operated by the State of Alaska and is administered by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF). The Leasing Office at the Airport oversees approximately 188 land, terminal building, and other contracts such as Business Activity Permits, Commercial Passenger Vehicle Permits, Vehicle Rental Business Permits, and 396 aircraft tiedowns.


Frequently Asked Questions

QuestionWhat kinds of activities can airport land be used for?
Answer Generally, airport land should only be used for those uses that must be on airport property due to its use and proximity to aviation facilities. The Alaska Administrative Code, Title 17, Chapter 42, Section 990, Definitions, describes land uses and privileges as follows:

  1. "aeronautical use" means any airport land use activity that involves or is directly related to the operation of aircraft including any activity that makes the operation of aircraft possible and safe, any service located on the airport that is directly and substantially related to the movement of passengers, baggage, mail, and cargo by aircraft on the airport.
  2. "non-aeronautical use" means any airport land use, business, service, or function that is not an aeronautical use.

QuestionHow do I find out what lots or terminal building areas are available for lease?
AnswerContact the Leasing Office to discuss your proposed activity and we'll show you what's available and work with you to find an appropriate space, provided that your proposed activity requires being located on Airport land or in the terminal building. We highly encourage potential tenants to contact the Leasing Office before submitting a lease application for a particular parcel or terminal building space so that our staff can work with you to help find the right fit for the activity you'd like to do.

QuestionHow is the term of an Airport Lease established?
AnswerGenerally, an Airport land lease term is based upon the dollar amount of investment proposed by the lessee and can be issued for up to a maximum of 55 years. Lease term tables show the maximum term that will be considered for a dollar amount of investment. A terminal building space lease term is usually established on specific business criteria and may range from 120 days to 5 years. More info

QuestionMay I sublease space to someone else?
AnswerGenerally yes, provided that 1) you sublease to a company or person for the same authorized uses in your original lease with the Airport; 2) the sublease is controlled by the Airport's lease; and 3) you receive the Airport's prior written consent to the sublease agreement. More info

QuestionCan I assume someone's existing lease?
AnswerYes, but we highly recommend you contact the Leasing Office to determine if the lease is in good standing and if there are any problems associated with the lease you are interested in assuming. Regardless of any private transactions between individuals, the existing lease remains in the original lessee's name until assignment papers have been submitted and consented to by the Chief of Leasing. More info

QuestionWhat costs associated with leasing land at the Airport is a lessee responsible for?
AnswerThe lessee is responsible for all costs associated with development of the property, including a site survey, bringing utilities onto the site, driveways, taxilane access, all costs of construction, as-built drawings when construction is complete, and insurance and property taxes.

QuestionWhat about environmental liability issues? Can I have a site assessment performed?
Answer The lessee is responsible for what he causes, materially contributes to, or assumes under an assignment. A lessee has the opportunity to perform an environmental site assessment, at his cost, at any time and submit the findings to the Leasing Office. The lessee will be held harmless from liability for any environmental contamination found which the lessee did not cause, materially contribute to, or assume under an assignment of lease.


Lease Application Process

The Airport encourages potential tenants to visit the Leasing Office before submitting an application for a particular airport parcel of land or terminal building space so that a Leasing Officer can work with the applicant to find the right fit for proper uses, building location, utilities, and other possible infrastructure requirements. The formal lease application process can take anywhere from 60 to 120 days or longer. We look forward to serving you!

  1. Applicant submits Lease Application and Site Plan to Leasing Office with $100.00 non-refundable filing fee.
  2. Leasing Office distributes application to internal Airport Sections (members of the Lease Application Review Committee - or LARC) for their comments and possible concerns.
  3. LARC recommends approval or denial of Lease Application to Airport Manager.
  4. If Airport Manager approves the application, Leasing Office publishes application in the Fairbanks Daily News Miner and in the Alaska Administrative Journal. The notice is also posted at the Airport.
  5. After the public notice period expires (30 days), the Airport Manager considers any competing applications or comments received during the public notice period and determines whether the application remains approvable, after which the Airport Manager a) enters into a lease with the applicant; b) denies the application; or c) offers the parcel through the competitive public process.
  6. If the Airport Manager approves the application, the Leasing Office offers a lease to applicant to review, sign and return.
  7. If the Airport Manager denies the application, the Leasing Office sends a letter to applicant explaining why it was denied.
  8. If the Airport Manager determines that the parcel should be offered through the competitive public process, the Leasing Office will prepare public offering documents (usually a three to six month process). During the competitive public process, a pre-bid or pre-proposal conference is usually held followed by a request for sealed bids, a request for proposals, or a public outcry auction.

Informal Staff Assistance: Airport personnel are available to assist tenants with the application process and reviewing plans every step of the way.

Fees: A $100.00 non-refundable application fee must be submitted with new and amendment applications. Current rents and fees are available in the Airport Fee Schedule.



Statutes and Regulations

The statutory authority for the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to operate Fairbanks International Airport and other state owned airports is contained within the Current Alaska Statutes, Title 2, Aeronautics. Please search for more information at the following web site.

Current Alaska Statutes

The regulations governing the operation of Fairbanks International Airport are contained in the Alaska Administrative Code, Title 17, Chapter 42. Please search for more information at the following web site.

Alaska Administrative Code



Leasing Office
6450 Airport Way, Suite 1
Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-474-2513 (Fax)
email FAI Leasing

Christel Burgess, Chief of Leasing

Richard Ackerman, Leasing Specialist II, GA Tiedowns / Permits
(907) 474-2520

Eric Tupper, Leasing Specialist III, Leasing
(907) 474-2579


Questions? email FAI Leasing

dividing line

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Fairbanks International Airport
6450 Airport Way
Fairbanks, Alaska 99709