Opportunities for conducting air carrier operations at Fairbanks International Airport exist at many levels from local air guides, air taxis and charter services, to national and international passenger and air cargo operations.
The relationship between air carriers and the Airport is formalized in one of several forms of contractual agreements. These agreements address operational issues including land and terminal use and rent, facility development, insurance requirements, other authorized uses, and reporting of the air carriers operational activity at the Airport. This may include landing information, passenger and cargo information, aircraft parking, and fueling. An airline agreement may also allow an air carrier to establish an account for payment of financial obligations to the Airport.
All users of the Airport operating aircraft equal to or greater than 6,000 pound Certified Maximum Gross Take-off Weight (GMGTW) must report their landings and pay the related landing fees.
Several types of airline agreements are available, depending upon the size of aircraft, frequency of proposed operations, and the range of proposed services to be offered. Airport personnel are available to assist in determining what form(s) of agreement(s) are suited to your proposed operation.
An air carrier wishing to initiate service at Fairbanks International Airport should contact:
Angie Spear, Airport Director
Fairbanks International Airport
Office location: Upper level, north end of the terminal building
907-474-2513 (Fax)
Aaron Danielson, Deputy Airport Director
Fairbanks International Airport
Office location: Upper level, north end of the terminal building
907-474-2513 (Fax)
Christel Burgess, Chief of Leasing
Fairbanks International Airport
Office location: Upper level, north end of the terminal building
907-474-2513 (Fax)