Project Update: Johansen Expressway Upgrades March 31, 2015
If you’ve traveled the Johansen Expressway commercial area by the Steese Highway in the past few months, you’ve probably
noticed the blocked-off turn lanes.
The closed turn lanes are part of the Johansen Expressway Resurfacing and Upgrades project, which began in summer 2014. Last season’s
work included resurfacing the roadway; installing guardrail terminals; electrical work; curb, gutter and curb ramp work; and bridge and deck
repair on the railroad overcrossing bridge.
So what’s left to do on the project? Here’s the major work remaining:
- Completion of the signal systems at Danby Road and on the East Johansen. This will involve new signal poles and signals
and the striping and signage associated with the new systems. The new turn lanes at Hunter and the Old Steese will remain closed off until
this work is done. The reason for this is that with the reconfigured turn lanes at these intersections, longer signal arms are needed
to place the federally required signals in front of these lanes so they can be opened for service.
- Replacement of the asphalt on the deck of the Noyes Slough bridge near University Avenue.
- Some work on the guardrail terminals that were installed last season, including minor adjustments and paving the ground
around the terminals.
- Replacement of the expansion joints on the College Road and Peger Road bridges.
Most of the work affecting traffic will take place at night.
The contract completion date is June 30.