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Alaska Unified Certification Program (AUCP) Members
Below is a list of Unified Certification Program (UCP) members.
- Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF)
- Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA)
- Alaska Railroad Corporation (ARRC)
- Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
- Anchorage, Municipality of
- Center for Community, Inc. (Sitka, Alaska)
- Central Area Rural Transit System, Inc. (CARTS)
- Cook Inlet Tribal Council
- Fairbanks, City of
- Inter Island Ferry Authority (Craig, Alaska)
- Juneau, City and Borough of CBJ)
- Kenai, City of - Airport
- Kodiak, City of
- Matanuska-Susitna Borough
- Nenana, City of
- North Pole, City of
- North Slope Borough
- North Star Borough
- Palmer, City of
- Sitka, City and Borough of
- Skagway, City of
- Wasilla, City of