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Office Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday

2200 E. 42nd Avenue
PO Box 196900
Anchorage AK 99519-6900
1-800-770-6236 inside Alaska
907-269-0847 Fax

For individuals requiring TTY communications, please contact Alaska Relay
Feel free to contact via email any of the individuals listed below.

Employee Directory

Rashaud Joseph

Civil Rights Office Manager
(907) 269-0848

This position oversees the implementation and reporting of Civil Rights Programs for the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF), ensuring compliance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requirements. This position provides overall supervision and leadership to the Civil Rights Office staff.


Amanda Dawson

Compliance Specialist II
(907) 269-3658

This position oversees activities related to the Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) program, including managing daily operations, collecting and inputting data for reports, and performing field and terminal reviews to ensure compliance with FAA guidelines.


Taylor White

Administrative Officer I
(907) 269-0715

Provide administrative support to the Civil Rights Office.


Robespierre Howard

Title VI Specialist, ADA Officer
(907) 269-0852

Performs audits of DOT&PF programs and sub-recipients of federal assistance funds based on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Reviews Environmental Documents for compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Environmental Justice Executive Order. Provides technical assistance, oversight, and training of DOT&PF personnel and Federal Highway Administration sub-recipients on Title VI requirements and compliance.


Sarah Starzec

Contract Compliance Officer, DBE/ACDBE Certification Officer
(907) 269-0845

Contract Compliance
Responsible for overseeing contractors’ Equal Employment/Affirmative Action, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, On-the-Job Training, and Wages/Payroll compliance in all Alaska Department of Transportation federally-funded construction projects. Evaluates and collaborates with the Department staff for meeting the Department’s DBE goals. Verifies and determines contractor’s Good Faith Efforts documentation.

DBE Certification
Administers the DBE certification program by coordinating functions between Alaska Unified Certification Program Members, DBEs, and various agencies representing minority or women owned, small or disadvantaged businesses. Oversees certification outreach, processing of DBE applications, and annual reviews.


Sarah Starzec

DBE Certification Specialist
(907) 269-0845

Assists businesses with navigating the DBE certification process. Review, analyze, and validate new applications and performs annual reviews.


Angelo Tutaan

DBE/ACDBE Certification Specialist
(907) 269-4812

Assists businesses with navigating the DBE certification process. Review, analyze, and validate new applications and performs annual reviews.


Brittney Hoffert

DBE/ACDBE Contract Compliance Specialist
(907) 269-0854

Performs on-site visits for the administration of required external federal contract requirements. Writes reports on findings and makes recommendations; reviews, and evaluates for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goals and Good Faith Efforts (GFE) requests for contractor participation in federal projects.


Frank Donahue

DBE/ACDBE Contract Compliance Specialist
(907) 269-0851

Performs on-site visits for the administration of required external federal contract requirements. Writes reports on findings and makes recommendations; reviews, and evaluates for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goals and Good Faith Efforts (GFE) requests for contractor participation in federal projects.


Zhenia C. Peterson

DBE/ACDBE & OJT Program Manager
(907) 269-0844

This position manages the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE), and On-the-Job Training (OJT) programs. Responsibilities include providing support services to DBE/ACDBE participants, conducting outreach to recruit potential DBE/ACDBEs, submitting required reports, and collaborating with stakeholders. For the OJT program, this position focuses on statewide outreach to recruit minority apprentices and enhance workforce participation. Duties include program monitoring, responding to inquiries, reviewing reports, overseeing the Quality Assurance Reviews (QAR) and submitting information to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).



DBE/ACDBE & OJT Support Services Specialist
(907) 269-0850

This position serves as a support service for the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE), and On-the-Job Training (OJT) programs. Responsibilities include providing support services to DBE/ACDBE participants, conducting outreach to recruit potential DBE/ACDBEs, and reviewing 50% DBE Reimbursements. For the OJT program, this position focuses on statewide outreach to recruit minority apprentices and enhance workforce participation. Duties include responding to inquiries, reviewing reports, and conducting Quality Assurance Reviews (QAR).

Frank Keirn

Research Analyst II
(907) 269-0846

Provides research and data analysis for EEO, Title VI, DBE, and OJT Programs and works with contractors and the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, and Federal Transit Authority on numerous aspects of reporting. Responsible for the development and maintenance of CRO data processing systems.



Research Analyst I
(907) 269-0851

The Research Analyst 1 position oversees the data collection and analysis of ADA data, and assists the DBE & OJT office.