Mission: Conduct research that continuously improves Alaska's infrastructure through implementation and training.
Do you have an idea for a research project? All DOT&PF staff and other stakeholders are welcome to submit research ideas. Click to find out more information on submitting a research proposal.
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), local public agencies and tribal transportation agencies own and maintain the surface transportation system in Alaska and make key decisions on how to deliver projects, and how best to employ techniques and technologies in its operation and safety.
The State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) brings together stakeholders that represent public policy and market forces to lead innovation in Alaska’s transportation program. The STIC provides multistakeholder leadership to perpetuate the deployment of innovation in Alaska. The STIC serves as a forum for initiating and overseeing the rapid deployment of innovative strategies into routine practice to accelerate transportation project delivery and enhance project quality and effectiveness.
You can learn more from FHWA's STIC website and the Alaska STIC Charter:
The STIC will be accepting applications for the 2025 Innovation Program for Alaska.
The CAV Working Group was established in January, 2020 to foster a collaborative, statewide planning effort for the purpose of preparing the State of Alaska for the use of Connected and Autonomous vehicles in Alaska.
Industry leaders and transportation stakeholders meet quarterly to review the state of the practice as it related to Alaska's transportation system.
CAV's introductory use in Alaska is considered at all levels of state and local government and throughout the private and non-profit sector to ensure smart, efficient investment in Alaska's highway infrastructure. More information can be found in 2021 Strategic Plan
The Federal Highway Administration established the Experimental Features Program in order to encourage innovations in state highway design and construction. Experimental features can be a process, product, testing method, or innovation that are eligible for federal funding participation. If an experimental feature fails prematurely, FHWA will financially participate for its repair or replacement.
There are two criteria necessary for an innovation to qualify as an "experimental feature."
The FHWA Federal Aid Highway Program Manual described an experimental feature as a material, process, method, equipment item, traffic operational device, or other feature that:
The time to think about an experimental feature program is in the project planning stage. If you have a good idea please contact Research staff in your region or the Research Manager:
For more information about the experimental feature program:
EDC is a State-based model that identifies and rapidly deploys proven, yet underutilized innovations to shorten the project delivery process, enhance roadway safety, reduce traffic congestion, and integrate automation. Proven innovations promoted through EDC facilitate greater efficiency at the State and local levels, saving time, money and resources that can be used to deliver more projects.
FHWA works with State transportation departments, local governments, tribes, private industry and other stakeholders to identify a new collection of innovations to champion every two years.
Formerly the AASHTO Technology Implementation Group, the AASHTO Innovation Initiative advances innovation from the grassroots up: by agencies, for agencies, peer-to-peer. The program actively seeks out proven advancements in transportation technology, investing time and money to accelerate their adoption by agencies nationwide.
Each year, the program selects highly valuable technologies, processes, software, or other innovations that have been adopted by at least one agency, are proven in use, and will be of significant benefit to other agencies.
This library is maintained by the Research and Technology Transfer Section. It contains over 1100 resources which can be downloaded from the web or requested through us. This library is maintained by the Research and Technology Transfer Section. Additional resources are maintained for us at the State of Alaska Library Archives Museum.
Use this library to search for Alaska DOT&PF digitized research reports & manuals, audio/video tapes, interactive resources, and software not kept in the Mather Library.
Before submitting a research needs statement, search for duplicate research. Many times another state or country has dealt with a similar issue. Start with our Alaska DOT&PF Research & T2 Library, then move on to TRID to see if someone outside of Alaska has solved your problem. Lastly check RIP to see if related research is currently underway.
Need Help?
• Use a key word in the search field(s) rather than exact titles or phrases.
• Select the proper format of the document you want rather than the default "ALL".
• Use a last name for Author/Creator.
TRID is an integrated database that combines the records from Transportation Research Board Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) Database and the OECD Joint Transport Research Centre International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD) Database. TRID provides access to more than 1.25 million records of transportation research worldwide.
Transportation Research Integrated Documentation
Alaska State Archives The Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT & PF) library collection is housed and cataloged by the Alaska State Archives.
Alaska State Archives
395 Whittier St.
Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: 907-4652270
Fax: 907-465-2151
The Transportation Research Board's Research in Progress Database contains information on more than 12,000 current or recently completed transportation research projects. RIP records primarily are projects funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation and State Departments of Transportation. University transportation research is also included in the database.
Our research program focuses on conducting applied research that: solves a DOT&PF highway transportation problem, improves efficiency, evaluates an innovation, or improves the effectiveness of operational activities. Research projects are approved on a biannual basis and our research cycle begins in October (even years). Below are the steps involved to help get your research idea moving!
Each research project is required to have a DOT&PF project champion to support the research project from inception through implementation. To have your research idea considered, a Research Needs Statement is needed. Research Needs Statements are scored on the following five criteria: department need, cost/benefit ratio, potential for implementation, innovation, and available funding. For guidance on writing a research needs statement contact a research staff member or check out ”How To Write an Effective Research Statement” and these additional resources from the Transportation Research Board.
Steps In The Research Process | Key Dates |
Research Advisory Sets Program Goals | October 1 |
RAB approves research need criteria and program goals | |
Research Open House | November 15 |
Outreach to DOT&PF Staff, Universities, and other stakeholders to solicit research needs | |
Develop & Submit Research Needs Statements | |
Research Needs Statements are developed over the winter and submitted to research staff | March 1 |
Technical Advisory Committee Ranks Research Needs Statements | March 31 |
Research Needs Statements are presented by project champions and ranked by the TAC | |
Research Advisory Board Approves Research Work Plan | May 15 |
RAB selects and approves research projects | |
All Project champions are notified of project selection results | June 1 |
Research Plan Submitted for Approval | |
Researchers submit project proposals to research staff | |
New research projects may begin with FHWA approval | October 1 |
Cristina DeMattio, P.E., |
Research & Development | T2 |
Vacant Engineering Associate |
Cina Fisher LTAP Coordinator (907) 269-7383 |
Vacant Engineering Associate |
Joshua Hyde Training Specialist I (907) 451-5236 |
Mailing Address: |