Contact: Andrew Pavey 907-269-6213
Pavement Management is defined as a set of tools or methods that assist decision makers in finding cost-effective strategies for maintaining, upgrading, and operating a network of pavements.
The Pavement Management Engineer employs technical expertise and equipment available from other DOT&PF groups (such as Regional Materials) to accomplish the statewide pavement management function and to develop a systematic approach to maintaining the Department's highway and airport paved networks. This function is located within the Department's Asset Management Group under Statewide Materials.
The Pavement Management Engineer is the Department's technical expert on pavement management and pavement preservation and is responsible for managing the State's paved assets. This role includes the annual assessment and reporting of pavement conditions for the State's roads and airports and maintaining the DOT&PF's pavement management database systems. The Pavement Management Engineer uses this database to help DOT&PF staff and managers create project recommendations to preserve and repair the State's paved assets.
Pavement Management for the road system involves automated collection of pavement condition (smoothness, rutting, and cracking) on approximately 4,200 centerline miles per year. The data collection is performed under a contract with Fugro using Road Surface Profiling (RSP) equipment consisting of distance measuring instruments, accelerometers and a Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS) providing high definition 3D profiles and 2D images of the road surface. The condition data is uploaded into the Department's Agile Assets Pavement Management System along with traffic data, construction information and other roadway data. This information is necessary to forecast condition deterioration and perform cost/benefit analysis to optimize network-level budgets and work scenarios.
2022 IRI (KMZ) |
2022 Rut Depth (KMZ) |
2022 Cracking (KMZ) |
2021 IRI (KMZ) |
2021 Rut Depth (KMZ) |
2021 Cracking (KMZ) |
2020 IRI (KMZ) |
2020 Rut Depth (KMZ) |
2020 Cracking (KMZ) |
The following maps display pavement conditions for the year 2022. Legends are open by default and can be closed by clicking the arrow ( < ) in the center of the map.
Fugro uses two Automatic Road Analyzer (ARAN) vehicles to collect the pavement condition data across the connected road system. Click the image below for more detailed information about the data collection vehicles.
Trailered Dynatest HWD