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Office Closures for State of Alaska

The Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, on occasion, issues notices of office closures due to inclement weather or other reasons. These notices are drafted to communicate information that we believe is essential for state employees and the public.

How Office Closures Work

State offices will be closed only at the direction of the Governor or the Governor's designee. No other state agency can independently make this determination. The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF) shall be responsible for communicating decisions on office closures to the rest of state government, the media, and the public.

All State offices will be open during normal business hours unless closure is specifically directed by the Governor's Office or the DOT&PF Commissioner for purposes of protecting the safety and health of employees and/or the public. The only exception to this policy is in the event of a state of emergency declared by properly-empowered authorities (e.g. police or fire officials). In such events, employees are to follow the direction of such authorities.

For more information see Office Closure Policy and Procedures

Office Closure Information and Links

Phone or Email

Receive notifications by phone or email when you sign-up or manage your GovDelivery subscription
(select OFFICE CLOSURE list after login) at


Check for alert notifications and updates


Check the State of Alaska Notification Hotline at  1-877-326-5551
(Please note that this telephone link is provided for smart phones and will likely generate an error on your desktop computer.)

Office Closure Request?

Fill Out an Office Status Questionnaire

Email: Andrea Christie
Phone:  907-269-0038
(Please note that this telephone link is provided for smart phones and will likely generate an error on your desktop computer.)