Our congratulations and appreciation to the outstanding Alaska DOT&PF employees who have been recognized for their exceptional efforts in helping make our state a better place to live!
If you have an addition to the Employee Spotlight, please contact the Web Manager.
December 2020
DOT&PF has an annual department-wide Employee Recognition Program in which employees may recognize their co-workers for their accomplishments and contributions that advance the department’s mission and objectives.
2020's Department Employee of the Year is Luke Bowland! To learn more about Luke and the other winners, please visit dot.alaska.gov/er-awards!
August 2020
Congratulations to all of our DOT&PF Nominees and Honorable Mentions! You are all rock stars! Visit the DOT&PF Denali Awards page to read about the nominees!
December 2019
DOT&PF has an annual department-wide Employee Recognition Program in which employees may recognize and award their co-workers for distinguished accomplishments and contributions that advance the department’s mission and objectives.
2018's Department Employees of the Year are Daniel Benson and Craig Bisson from AMHS Dispatch!
Commissioner’s Office / Administrative Services Division:
Suggestion – Anna Poole
Alaska Marine Highway System:
Central Region:
Measurement Standards & Commercial Vehicle Compliance:
Northern Region:
Program Development:
Southcoast Region:
Statewide Aviation:
Statewide Design & Engineering Services:
Statewide Facilities Services:
And a huge thank you to the Award and Recognition Coordinators for the time and care they provide for the program!
November 2018
DOT&PF has an annual department-wide Employee Recognition Program in which employees may recognize and award their co-workers for distinguished accomplishments and contributions that advance the department’s mission and objectives.
2018's Department Employee of the Year is
Brian Agbulos of Southcoast Region!
Commissioner’s Office / Administrative Services Division
Alaska Marine Highway System
Central Region
Fairbanks International Airport
Information Systems & Services Division
Measurement Standards & Commercial Vehicle Compliance
Northern Region
Program Development
Southcoast Region
Statewide Aviation
Anchorage International Airport
Statewide Design & Engineering Services
Statewide Equipment Fleet
Statewide Facilities Services
October 2018
DOT&PF Communication Team was recognized by the AASHTO committee on Transportation Communication (TransComm):
These awards recognize the outstanding work of public relations practitioners and is considered the premier competition in the transportation industry. A complete list of 2018 winners is available here.
October 2018
Alaska DOT&PF is once again recognized by the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) for important achievements in the aviation community. This year DOT&PF won the “Most Innovative State Program Award” for an airfield lighting systems safety video titled “The Monster Below." Dennis Deering, airfield electrician at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, made the video to provide airfield workers a better understanding of the airfield electrical system, potential dangers of the system and how to avoid them. The video has been incorporated into airport training programs across the nation and will significantly contribute to the working knowledge of airfield lighting series circuit and to the safety of those that work around them. Read the entire story in Statewide Aviation's Plane Talk.
September 2018
Angie Spear, FAI Division Operations Manager, was presented the Denali Leadership honorable mention certificate.
Within one day of receiving results that FAI had concentrations of PFAS on airport property, Spear obtained an emergency procurement for an environmental contracting firm while simultaneously leading efforts to establish a water service to immediately start providing clean drinking water to properties adjacent to the airport. She began coordinating public outreach and after the initial press release, and sampling began three days prior to the initial start date. Within 10 days of sampling, 33 samples were collected, one-quarter of the wells originally estimated. Spear’s quick response prevented affected properties from consuming potentially contaminated water.
Spear has exhibited prodigious leadership skills by being engaged; she listened to concerns, understanding the incredible significance of the PFAS contamination. She is looked to by FAI employees, upper management and the airlines. Airlines praise Spear regarding her “utmost professionalism” and “ability to jump into this project and take command” to ensure a safer environment for the future. She demonstrates superior prioritization skills based on importance and sensitivity in a fast paced, evolving environment.
To read more about Angie and see all of our Nominees and Winners, visit the DOT&PF Denali Awards page.
Summer 2018
Congratulations Jenelle! Jenelle is a lead design engineer of the most capable in-house aviation design in Central Region. She has groomed her team to be well organized, cohesive, capable and creative. She works constantly to increase her knowledge and skills and those of her subordinates so when needed they are prepared to meet new challenges and successfully accomplish even the most demanding tasks. She willingly helps others even when her schedule is full. Jenelle joined efforts to rewrite the Aviation Preconstruction manual for all of aviation.
To read more about Jenelle and see all of our Nominees and Winners, visit the DOT&PF Denali Awards page.
Summer 2018
The Ted Steven’s Anchorage International Airport (ANC) Runway 15/33 Rehabilitation project design was initiated in June of 2015 and has been a high priority project for both ANC and Central Region. The project team nominated has not changed for their monumental efforts over the past three years. The project total funding is estimated between $80M and $90M, making it the largest in-house design project completed by DOT&PF.
To read more about this talented team and see all of our Nominees and Winners, visit the DOT&PF Denali Awards page.
June 2018
In late 2016, DOT&PF made a major decision to implement the AASHTOWare Project (AWP) suite of software to transition the department form paper to electronic processes that allow for data collection and measurement throughout the construction contract life cycle. The first phase of implementation consists of Preconstruction, Civil Rights & Labor, and Electronic Bidding modules. This phase has been particularly challenging given it is the initial step in a major implementation of new software. Project management requested involvement from the regions’ Contracts and Design Divisions as well as from the Information Systems and Services Division in September 2017. This team stepped forward despite hesitancy and general anxiety at the regional level regarding this major change. From the beginning, they have championed the software and are embodying the Department’s philosophy of OneDOT.
To read more about this awesome team and see all of our Nominees and Winners, visit the DOT&PF Denali Awards page.
June 2018
The Transportation Geographic Information Section (TGIS) team: Garry Remsberg (GIS Analyst III), Kerry Kirkpatrick (Transportation Planner III), Sean Jordan (Planner III) and David Oliver (Planner III).
They are responsible for developing and continuously improving an accessible, accurate, and controlled inventory of all public roadway features and linear coordinates in Alaska, which entails over 16,000 miles. They are the spirit of service excellence.
June 2018
Special thanks to Assemblyman Fred Dyson for honoring the men and women of APD, DOT&PF and contractor Sandstrom & Sons for the emergency repair to the March 21, 2018 bridge strike in Eagle River. The department is conducting table top exercises with law enforcement to plan for future emergencies and how we can adapt our infrastructure to support the community in times of need.
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June 2018
This industry award for excellence in infrastructure asset management was awarded to Alaska DOT&PF for “improved performance and service through smarter, data-driven investment decisions and optimal asset performance for funding levels.”
Commissioner Luiken met with Dan Schacher, Fairbanks District Maintenance & Operations Superintendent, who wrote the nomination.
June 2018
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities has some awesome employees. Forty-four have been nominated by their peers for recognition under the Governor’s Denali Peak Performance Award program. Congratulations to each of these exceptional employees for their outstanding service and teamwork.
Please visit the DOT&PF Denali Awards page to see all of our 2018 Nominees, Honorable Mentions, and Winners.
June 2018
Congratulations to Chris Goins, Southcoast Region Design Group Chief, on his acceptance into the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 2018 National Transportation Leadership Institute.
The Leadership Institute was founded in 1967 and is designed to enhance the leadership skills of transportation professionals. It provides an organizational framework to meet the various leadership training and development needs of state highway and transportation departments, and of the U.S. Department of Transportation. The Leadership Institute is highly competitive nationally and only accepts 50 participants each year.
Chris says, “I believe in servant leadership, and its power when used in any position to create positive change. As part of living servant leadership, I strive to constantly grow to serve the needs of the department, my staff, and our stakeholders. I also believe in and am dedicated to building trusting relationships in the work place. This is where we can embrace a positive change culture and where, if we are willing to examine ourselves, our work, and the needs of those we serve, we can collaborate in creating a better and brighter future.”
Chris recently returned from a two-week intensive in Indianapolis with the Leadership Institute, where he was the youngest representative of any State DOT.
The Leadership Institute curriculum is geared to the graduate level and emphasizes the challenges of administering complex organizations. Subject matter ranges from fundamentals in developing high performance teams to advanced and sophisticated concepts in the leadership of department operations. The Leadership Institute places special emphasis on contemporary concepts, processes, and strategies, such as results-focus culture development based on trust, accountability, alignment, efficiency, and employee development.
Now that Chris is back in Alaska, he’s unpacking the training, looking at how to apply it to his job and the department, and is eager to share what he’s learned.
Chris says, “I have several individual implementation plans (IIPs) designed to reinvest my learning back to the State, our staff, and our department culture. These are designed to assist staff in creating more cohesive teams and to cultivate managers into stronger leaders. One of my first steps is to focus on communication in meetings by finding ways to include all participants. This fall, I will also be offering group chiefs a workshop on one-to-one communication and leadership including intensive role-playing and feedback on communication techniques.”
March 2018
Congratulations to Fitz, with Haines DOT&PF, for being as amazing as he is! Not only did he likely save the life of a car accident victim, but he recently helped recover stolen property while on the job with DOT&PF.
Here's that story! (Courtesy of Chilkat Valley News)
March 2018
Congratulations to Rich Pratt, Alaska DOT&PF Chief Bridge Engineer, who was recently named 2017 Outstanding Engineer of the Year by the Juneau chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Rich is a national leader in bridge design engineering, an active volunteer in the Juneau community and a much respected DOT&PF employee. He graduated from UC Davis, then worked with Caltrans HQ, before coming to Alaska DOT&PF 24 years ago.
Rich has been the Chief Bridge Engineer of Alaska for 18 years. When congratulated for this award Rich said, "All of us in the Bridge Section realize this award is really a recognition of the accomplishments of the 20+ engineers in the section. I accepted the award on behalf of my colleagues."
DOT&PF Bridge Section (left to right): Ken Fisher, David McAdoo, Mary McRae, Nick Murray, Leslie Daugherty, Rich Pratt, Jesse Escamilla and Andrew Wells
January 2018
Dana is a human resource manager based in Anchorage. She was nominated by her peers for her professionalism and thoughtful demeanor which results in improved relationships within the department. Dana is knows as a leader in her field and at DOT&PF. She works extra hours, handling not only her own responsibilities but always finding time to assist and mentor her consultants. The Employee of the Year award recognizes one employee throughout the department who performs their duties in a superior manner. Congratulations, Dana!
December 2017
Employee of the Year: Dana Phillips
Outstanding Employee Award: Chris Hunt
Leadership Award: Shawn Miller
Suggestion Award: Larry Dunivin
![]() Dana Phillips |
![]() Chris Hunt with Commissioner Luiken |
![]() Shawn Miller with Commissioner Luiken |
![]() Larry Dunivin with Commissioner Luiken |
December 2017
Commissioner Marc Luiken and Central Region Director Dave Kemp with some of the Central Region Award Winners. | ||
![]() Natalya Fomina |
![]() Diana Rotkis |
![]() Ron Searcy |
![]() Aaron Jongenelen |
![]() Team Achievement Award |
December 2017
December 2017
Employee of the Year: Jessica Piukala, Administrative Services (Juneau)
Team Achievement Award: Izembek Reconnaissance Mission: Mitch McDonald, Martin Larsen, Greg Lockwood (Juneau) and Paul Schaack, Russell Ruta, David Lyons, Hap Kremer (Cold Bay)
Team Achievement Honorable Mention: Ketchikan Front and Mill Streets Reconstruction Public Outreach: Chris Goins (Juneau), Garrett Paul (Juneau), Mandi Pelham (Ketchikan); Emergency Flight Diverts Response: Hap Kremer, Paul Schaack, Russell Ruta, Bill King, David Lyons (all from Cold Bay); Southcoast Region Chip Seal Crew: Richard Asplund, William Overton, Jess McCallon, Clark Mondich, Samantha Sportel, Luke Ney, Daniel Fitzpatrick (Juneau); Timothy Lacour, Douglas Carl, Justin Fitch, Kevin Zellhuber, Richard Seal, Sue Hanson (Klawock), Bob Robertsan, Alexander Guthrie, Ivar Enge, Berry Youngberg (Petersburg); Steven Bell, Kelly Boddy, Merrill Rice, Rod Ellis, Zane Bacon (Sitka); Jason Borst, Darrell Hoover, Merlin Stoddard (Skagway)
Leadership Employee Award: Matt Boron (Haines)
Outstanding Employee Awards: Shannon Kelly, John Weaver and Richard Asplund (Juneau)
Outstanding Employee Honorable Mention: Kristin Dirks, Chris Downer, Michael Kell (Juneau)
December 2017
Click images for larger view
Team Achievement Award Winners not pictured: Steve Brooks, Doug Gladden, Ron Lucero, Jeff Brown, Shawn O’Donnoghue, Stephanie King, Bill Walden, Chris Erickson, Jason Ingersoll, Pete Erickson, Alvin Bates, Adam Bower, Janelle Wilhelm, Morgan Hostina, Gerome Linen,
September 2017
Attached photo courtesy of NASAO: (L-R) Troy LaRue, DOT&PF Division of Statewide Aviation; Sgt. Darcey Perry, Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport; Todd Hanley, DOT&PF Statewide Training Coordinator; and John Binder, DOT&PF Deputy Commissioner, receive the NASAO Most Innovative State Award.
The National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) awarded the “Most Innovative State Award” to the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) for a series of DOT&PF-produced aircraft familiarization videos for Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting (ARFF) training. The videos are a highly focused training tool aimed at honing the life and property saving skills of the men and women who serve as first responders at DOT&PF airports.
The DOT&PF team, led by Todd Hanley and Sergeant Darcey Perry, created the videos to better familiarize first responders with aircraft that operate at their airports. They chose five aircraft most commonly used at DOT&PF certificated airports. The team worked with flight crews from Alaska Airlines, Ravn Alaska, PenAir and LifeMed Alaska to develop the videos.
“The Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting training videos have changed the way Alaska conducts training and I’m thrilled to see that many airports nationwide are finding them equally beneficial,” said DOT&PF Deputy Commissioner John Binder.
The ARFF training videos can be viewed here.
September 2017
Alaska Marine Highway System employee Kerri Traudt was awarded a legislative citation for her excellent service to the state in scheduling 11 vessels in 35 ports throughout the year. The citation states:
“We the members of the Thirtieth Alaska State Legislature, take great pleasure in honoring Kerri Traudt for her outstanding service and performance as the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) Vessel Schedule Coordinator.
“Kerri was first employed by the State in April 2007 and has been the vessel schedule coordinator since February 2008. Prior to her current assignment she was a vessel passenger services working in the AMHS fleet as a full time steward. Kerri’s knowledge of the multiple scheduling factors are critical to keeping AMHS running, but often go unnoticed by the traveling public and anyone not familiar with the challenges of scheduling.
“Kerri produces the summer and winter AMHS sailing schedules. She masterfully crafts the daunting, multi-variable scheduling of 11 ships in 35 ports while taking into account such factors as the community requests, tide and current limitations, dock compatibility and conflict avoidance, crew change layovers, crew rest requirements, and vessel logistics. Additionally, Kerri must consider traffic demand patterns and revenue generation potential into AMHS’s schedule. Throughout the year she responds to both planned and no-notice schedule changes caused by mechanical breakdowns, weather issues, dock closures, special events, and community special requests. Kerri’s relationships with senior AMHS staff, vessel masters, community leaders, school activity directors, commercial shippers, and the public at large result in recognizing her as the “go to” person to get things done when it comes to AMHS scheduling.
“We the Thirtieth Alaska State Legislature, are proud to recognize Kerri’s outstanding contributions to Alaska Marine Highway patrons and the State of Alaska.”
September 2017
Jeremy Worrall, AAE, ACE, received the Aviation Excellence Award from the American Association of Airport Executives. In his position as Statewide Airport Operations Superintendent for DOT&PF's Division of Statewide Aviation, he manages the FAA and TSA regulatory compliance for the nineteen rural Part 139 airports owned and operated by the State of Alaska. Mr. Worrall promotes a culture of transparency, regulatory compliance, and innovation in his everyday efforts to ensure Alaskan airports operate safely with an eye towards efficiency.
March 2017
Sarah Schacher, Northern Region Preconstruction Engineer, was named Young Engineer of the Year by the Fairbanks Chapter of the Alaska Society of Professional Engineers.
Sarah leads a staff of 120 who are designers, engineers, right of way agents, geotechnical and environmental experts, administrative staff and associated consultants to deliver approximately $300 million in transportation capital works projects each year for the northern region of Alaska.
March 2017
Sara Jarvis, Fairbanks, Construction.
Sara Jarvis is the 2016 Employee of the Year for the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. She is recognized by her peers and department leadership for her unparalleled professionalism, dedication to duty, and commitment to the department and the State of Alaska. Her contagious “can do” attitude, generosity in assisting other sections with expertise and customer service are great examples of the department’s core values. Over the last year, Sara took on the extra responsibility of co-leading the department’s transition to AASHTOware, a suite of software that improves efficiency for project delivery and management. She is the AASHTOWare Project Manager and SiteManager System Administrator for the department and is based in Fairbanks.
March 2017
March 2017
December, 2016
Mike Coffey, SR Director, and Scott Gray, Southeast District Superintendent presented the entire Wrangell Airport crew with a special award for their incredible success rate in passing FAA (6 years in a row) and TSA (5 years in a row) annual inspections without any Letters of Correction or Letters of Investigation.
Under the outstanding leadership of Airport Manager William (Willie) Bloom, M&O team members Gary Allen Jr and Scott Eastaugh and SEF Mechanic Dan Gross have set the standard of exceptional service and performance for all airports in the state to strive for. “Well done Wrangell. You should be proud of this great accomplishment. We are certainly proud of all of you”. Mike Coffey
10 year service award certificates and pins were also presented to Gary Allen Jr and Scott Eastaugh.
![]() L to R. Gary Allen Jr, Mike Coffey, Dan Gross, Willie Bloom, Scott Eastaugh (Photo by Scott Gray) ![]() |
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June, 2016
Denali is a fitting name for the State’s distinguished awards program recognizing Alaska’s public servants who go above and beyond in their work. On behalf of the Governor, I am honored to announce the winners and honorable mentions for the 2016 Governor’s Denali Peak Performance Awards.
These individuals set a high bar for exceptional performance, crisis response, customer service excellence, innovation in cost-savings, and leadership. Over the years, award recipients have been recognized for a variety of outstanding contributions, and this year is no different. Hundreds of nominations were received this year and reviewed through a committee process with representatives from all executive branch departments. Learning about the nominees' contributions to their departments and their fellow Alaskans is inspiring.
Congratulations to DOT&PF's own Honorable Mention for Exceptional Performance Award: Elmer E. Marx, P.E.
March, 2016
The 2015 SHARE Campaign was a strong success thanks to your kind donations. Together you raised over $385,000 for Alaska nonprofits! I am proud to work among people who value and practice philanthropy in such a meaningful way.
Each year at the conclusion of the SHARE campaign, one lucky SHARE donor is selected by a random drawing for a special prize. To be entered in the drawing, state employees must update their profile or make a SHARE pledge through the Nexus giving site. This year, I was pleased to award a Todd Salat print “Denali Fireweed” to Ocie Adams of the Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, who is pictured below with me and Department of Transportation & Public Facilities Commissioner Marc Luiken. Congratulations, Mr. Adams!
February, 2016
(ANCHORAGE, Alaska) – The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) is pleased to announce Nicholas Mastrodicasa has been awarded the US Geological Survey’s Henry Gannett Award. This national award recognizes distinguished contributions to the topographic mapping of the United States.
January, 2016
Southcoast Region:
2015 Employee of the Year is: Harold “Happy” Kremer.
2015 Outstanding Employee is: Hilary Lindh
2015 Leadership Award is: Garrett Gladsjo
2015 Suggestion Award is: Scott Gray
2015 Honorable Mention are:
James Brown
Christopher Goins
Alexander Guthrie
Shannon Kelly
Kraig Norheim
Keri Williamson
Central Region:
Team Award to Tara Clark and Alan McQueen (MatSu M&O District)
Merle Sena (Construction) received the Leadership Award
Raymond Heyano (Bldg Maint) received the Outstanding Employee
Scott Thomas (Traffic Safety) is the Employee of the Year Award
Northern Region:
Employee of the Year: Jason Sakalaskas
Outstanding Employee: Steve McGroarty
Leadership Award: Michelle Dwyer
Team Achievement Award: Team Super Lab - Sean Berg, Carolyn Deskins, Hank Parra and Tom Williams
Honorable mentions:
Outstanding Employee category:
Brandy Milles
Jeff Peterson
Shelley Potter
Maggie Slife
Team Achievement category:
Northern Region Right of Way section
October, 2015
John Frison, an airfield maintenance mechanic at Fairbanks International Airport (FAI), was awarded the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) Most Innovative State Award for his design of “Yeti,” a snow and ice crusher.
As airports across the nation adapt to changing climates, the team at FAI came up with a unique idea to improve the removal of ice and compacted snow. Mr. Frison took the idea behind commercial icebreakers and designed an icebreaking machine named the Yeti. The Yeti fractures ice on runways and taxiways by creating pockets in the ice allowing deicing chemicals to get to the underlying asphalt faster than chemicals alone.
September, 2015
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities is excited to present the following graduates form our very own Alaska Maintenance Leadership Academy. These are employees representing all 3 regions and coming from M&O, SEF, Public Facilities, along with Fairbanks and Anchorage International Airports. Following is the list of the dedicated and talented individuals: Lewis Allen, Scott Austin, Steve Bell, Josh Briggs, Charles ‘Chuck’ Eldridge, James ‘Jim’ Fischer, Brian Gabriel, Scott Gray, Tom Grman, George Hamrick, Caleb Holum, Charles ‘Charlie’ House, Geoff Hubert, Donald Jones, Kevin Knotek, Shaun Komora, Lance McCaughey, Kurt Mickenham, Sean Montgomery, Matt Murphy, Greg Patz, Matthew Plattner, David Skipps, Steffan Strick, Lawrence Ladru ‘Larry’ Tews, Keith Thompson, Casey Walker, Alvin Werneke.
The ADOT&PF is committed to developing leaders within the department and as a result, the Alaska Maintenance Leadership Academy (AMLA) was created. The AMLA is a five day intensive, interactive series designed to prepare ADOT&PF leaders for the challenges of today and tomorrow. The program draws on the experience of ADOT&PF subject matter experts and training experts from the Alaska Department of Administration. AMLA includes the sharing of ideas among participants, communicating using common language and supporting the mission to “Keep Alaska Moving through service and infrastructure”. Through the development of key leadership skills and the integration of theory and practice, this series equips leaders to address the critical issues impacting their organization and the state of Alaska.
Good leaders provide motivation and inspiration for an organization. Motivation can improve morale and productivity, as well as encourage employees to think outside of the box and come up with creative proposals. Effective leadership can also help guide the direction of an organization or work group. Graduates of the academy are well prepared to lead and exhibit the core values of the department: Integrity, Excellence, and Respect.
Congratulations to all the academy graduates!
May 2015
DOT&PF’s William Giltner and the Valdez Avalanche Fighters Team were recognized as first place recipients of the 2015 Governor’s Peak Performance Denali Awards.
Team Valdez Avalanche Fighters:
Robert Edgett, Phillip Price, James Sparks, Dillon Burnett, Jeffery Town, Clayton Kramer, Andrew Shidner, David Wiley, Jason Breivogel, Anthony Knutson, Benjamin Ables, Dwight Dietrich, Stuart Brown, Lonnie Fleming, Jake Remme, MoAnna Hollers, Robert Dunning, Mark Hanson, Darren Reese, Peter Carter
DOT&PF team members Shad Parker, John Frison, the Tok District Patch Crew and Team Kantishna were all recognized for honorable mention. It is a proud moment for the entire department to see these employees recognized for their determination, dedication, innovation and excellence in service to the citizens of Alaska.
Team Tok District Patch Crew:
Norman Gallen, Glen Marunde, Mike James, Steve James, Ted Roach, Francis Carbon, Bob Brooks, John Olding, John Birke, Henry Brinkman, Mark Sakalaskas, Charlie Lamphear, Justin Reetz, Doug Pine, Robert Hanson, Darryl Ueeck, Nick Herman, Eric Child, Dave McCombs, Wade Harbison, Pete Weidner, Chris York, Jeff Summar, Cindy Gowins, Wade Heller, Cody Omta, Michael Coon, Chester McCain
Team Kantishna:
Tom Howarth, Donald Holum, Harold Mowery, Caleb Holum
For all the information about these winners, honorable mentions and other nominees, please visit dot.alaska.gov/denali_awards/
The Alaska Marine Highway System Employee Recognition Program was implemented to recognize and award employees for distinguished accomplishments and contributions that advance the department’s mission and objectives – Keep Alaska Moving Through Service and Infrastructure.
Thank you to all who submitted nominations for the below awards, and congratulations to all of the winners!
AMHS Employee of the Year Award
Rachel Teel, our Environmental Program Specialist, was chosen as the Employee of the Year because, “She is exceptional when it comes to taking the initiative, working independently, and communicating effectively. Rachel’s proactive nature, work ethic, and dedication to AMHS help advance the department’s mission.” The winner of this award is automatically eligible for the Department Employee of the Year Award, which is issued by the Commissioner.
AMHS Leadership Award
Chief Mate Josh McGrath was chosen to receive the Leadership Award. His nominator writes, “He is nearly always up and around when needed, has shown great stamina in our long operational days, and functions well despite the lack of sleep. Many of his counterparts are unable to achieve this presence and level of visibility and activity.” The nominator continues, “His ability to connect with other supervisors and workers has done much to improve operations and relationships between departments on the ship.” In short, “When he is here, the ship is safer.”
AMHS Team Achievement Award
The Petersburg Terminal Employees, including Ruth Johnson, Jay “Brad” Taylor, Russell Wallace, Vinton Woodyard, and Larry “Gene” Bernaldo (pictured left with Terminal Services Manager Simon Bradley) were chosen for the Team Achievement Award. The nominator writes, “When a booked traveler is not present and checked in, this staff makes a courtesy call and reminds our travelers the vessel is in port and they need to show up or reschedule. The public has commented on how outstanding and yet unexpected this service is.”
AMHS Outstanding Employee
Donna Gellings, our Terminal Admin Assistant, was chosen as the Outstanding Employee because she, “goes above and beyond to get whatever is needed done.” One of the nominators writes, “Donna is an endless supply of knowledge, and a vital part of our day to day operations. She is a great teacher and mentor.”
The department is proud to recognize the following State Equipment Fleet employees for their outstanding accomplishments in 2014:
Congratulations to Jon, Chad, and Diana. We are lucky and proud to have outstanding employees like you in the department. Keep up the great work!
![]() SEF Employee of the Year 2014 Jon Skinner |
![]() SEF Outstanding Employee Award Winner Chad Bradford |
![]() SEF Leadership Award Winner Diana Rotkis |
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January, 2015
The 2014 Outstanding Employee Award went to Carolee Johannes of Central Region, Kathleen Krohn in Northern Region and Keith Karpenstein in Southcoast Region. Nice work to all, we're proud to have you as co-workers and peers!
Outstanding Employee Award – Kathleen Krohn
Honorable mentions for Outstanding Employee:
Linda Mahlen
Larissa Figley
Cynthia Lee
Patti Earl
Leadership Award – Eric Genz
Honorable mentions for Leadership Award:
Dan Schacher
Margaret Carpenter
Suggestion Award – Scott Maybrier
Honorable mention for Suggestion Award – Arleen Burgess
Team Achievement Award – Northern Region State Equipment Fleet Heavy Duty Shop Team: Rubin Briesmeister, Ben Brown, Mike Hersey, Dave Gronemeier, Jim Fisher, Matt Layral, Steven Alt, Ron Runnion and Hugh Bishop
Employee of the Year 2014 Award – Shelley Dykema
Bi-Regional Director Award – Rob Campbell
2014 Team Achievement – Greg Beck, Pat Harvey, Val Radar, Tony Sprague, and Charlie Wagner
2014 Leadership Award – Todd Smith
2014 Outstanding Employee and 2014 Employee of the Year – Carolee Johannes
Outstanding Employee Award – Keith Karpstein
Mun Chin Killeen –Representing Support Services, Project Control, Planning, Contracts, Facilities, & IT
Kirk Miller – Representing PreConstruction, Design & Engineering Services
Gary Allen – Representing Maintenance and Operations
Garrett Gladsjo – Representing Construction
Continuing the high standard that is held by this region to work hard, the following recipients of the Commendation awards were:
October, 2014
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities is proud to announce the recipients of the first ever Extra Mile Award. Matt Ellingson and Paul Krenzke, equipment operators stationed in Fairbanks, Tim Fickus, an equipment operator stationed in Coldfoot, along with Kevin Wood, a rover equipment operator in Fairbanks, have earned this Extra Mile Award for their heroic efforts in harsh conditions, giving comfort and aid to a critically injured coworker. We are grateful, and privileged to serve with them.
The Extra Mile Award is granted in order to recognize employees or groups of employees for distinguished accomplishments and contributions that advance the department’s mission and objectives.
May, 2014
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities is pleased to announce the following M&O, SEF, Facilities, Anchorage and Fairbanks International Airport leaders that recently completed the Alaska Maintenance Leadership Academy: David Darrow, Phil Petrie, Al Horcsik, Chuck Coulman, Clint Mott, Clarence Mercer, Erik Weingarth, Glen K. Marunde, John Olsen, Brian Thayer, Mark Culbertson, Jason Jacobs, David S. Johnson, Fred Paulsen, Dolan Brooks, Hap Kremer, Al Gilbert, Carl High, Rob Greene, Kevin Jones, Ken Bartlett, Galen McIver, Eric Wilkerson, Brad Rider, Ken Meserve (not pictured – Norman Heyano and John Wilson).
The ADOT&PF is committed to developing leaders within the department and as a result, the Alaska Maintenance Leadership Academy (AMLA) was created. AMLA is a five day intensive, interactive series designed to prepare ADOT&PF leaders for the challenges of today and tomorrow. The program draws on the experience of ADOT&PF subject matter experts and training experts from the Alaska Department of Administration. AMLA includes the sharing of ideas among participants, communicating using common language and supporting the mission of keeping Alaska moving through service and infrastructure. Through the development of key leadership skills and the integration of theory and practice, this series equips leaders to address the critical issues impacting their organization and the state of Alaska. AMLA is continually evolving and improving based on input from the graduates.
Good leaders provide motivation and inspiration for an organization. Motivation can improve morale and productivity, as well as encourage employees to think outside of the box and come up with creative proposals. Effective leadership can also help guide the direction of an organization or work group. Graduates of the academy are well prepared to lead and exhibit the core values of the department: Integrity, Excellence, and Respect.
Congratulations to all the academy graduates!
April, 2014
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities has some awesome employees. Ninety-eight have been nominated by their peers for recognition under the Governor’s Denali Peak Performance Award program. Thank you and congratulations to each of these exceptional employees for their outstanding service and teamwork. And, thank you to their colleagues for taking the time and energy to nominate and recognize their accomplishments. - Office of the Commissioner, Alaska DOT&PF
To see the nominees, winners, and honorable mentions, visit the DOT&PF Denali Awarda website or visit the main Denali Awards website.
November, 2013
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities is pleased to announce the following M&O, SEF and Fairbanks International Airport managers and employees earned the American Public Works Association’s (APWA) Winter Maintenance Supervisor Certificate last November: Diana Rotkis, Brad Byslma, Jon Skinner, Tim Wolfe, Steve Potter, Dan Schacher, Ron Davis, Robert Dunning, John Hoffman, Dennis Bishop, Jeff Russell, Evan Booth, Tom Williams, Reuben Yost, Greg Patz, Jon Marshall, Scott Gray, Dave Luchinetti, Randy Vanderwood, Todd Vanhove, Carl High, Brian Gabriel, Steve Banse, Galen McIver, Tom Grman, Ed Caress, Kevin Jones, Clark Klimaschesky, Todd Hanley, and Mike Coffey. All participants passed a final examine to earn their certificate.
Three internationally acclaimed APWA instructors came to Alaska to help our winter maintenance professionals expand their knowledge of winter maintenance planning and preparation, increase their understanding of winter weather, learn how to better use traditional and alternative anti-icing and deicing chemicals, improve the training of their teams, and enhance communications with the public. The goal of the program was to provide a base level of knowledge for managers charged with supervising their winter maintenance operations. Topics covered in the two day intensive course included Winter Maintenance Policies and Procedures, Weather, Winter Maintenance Materials, Fleet and Equipment, Snow Control, and Ice Control.
November, 2013
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities is pleased to announce the following M&O, SEF, Facilities, and Fairbanks International Airport managers and employees completed the Alaska Maintenance Leadership Academy: Clint Anelon, Paul Berthol, Mathew Boron, Jason Breivogel, Robert Brooks, Joe Drew, Eric Genz, Tim Hanley, Stephen Hanson, Chad Heller, Jon Jackson, Mike Kimball, Stosh Labinski, Gordan Lange, Robert Lekanof, Dee Linton, Dave Luchinetti, Frank Maniaci, Chester McCain, Dan Moody, Eric Nelson, Bobby Pace, Darren Reese, Danny Smith, Kenny Taylor, Vince Tutiakoff, and Frank Yanagi.
The ADOT&PF is committed to developing leaders within the department and as a result, the Alaska Maintenance Leadership Academy (AMLA) was created. The AMLA is a five day intensive, interactive series designed to prepare ADOTPF leaders for the challenges of today and tomorrow. The program draws on the experience of ADOT&PF subject matter experts and training experts from the Alaska Department of Administration. AMLA includes the sharing of ideas among participants, communicating using common language and supporting the mission of keeping Alaska moving through service and infrastructure. Through the development of key leadership skills and the integration of theory and practice, this series equips leaders to address the critical issues impacting their organization and the state of Alaska.
Good leaders provide motivation and inspiration for an organization. Motivation can improve morale and productivity, as well as encourage employees to think outside of the box and come up with creative proposals. Effective leadership can also help guide the direction of an organization or work group. Graduates of the academy are well prepared to lead and exhibit the core values of the department: Integrity, Excellence, and Respect.
Congratulations to all the academy graduates!
October, 2013
ADOT&PF Wrangell Airport Manager William “Willie” Bloom was recently honored by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for providing a flawless TSA Security Inspection. The TSA Inspector said that he had never been to an inspection where everything was laid out in an organized manner. All security paperwork was in order, all training had been completed, all security systems were functioning, and all airport tenants knew the security rules of the airport. The inspector was so impressed that he presented the department with a plaque commending William Bloom for his remarkable performance, which is “crucially important to the partnership and mission of the TSA to protect the Nation’s transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce.” Both the FAA and the TSA have departed the Wrangell Airport extremely impressed and content that their agencies’ missions have been fulfilled.
May 16, 2013
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) announces that these state employees have earned the Certified Member (C.M.) designation from the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE).
May 6, 2013
The NAGC Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards is an international program that acknowledges superior government communication. ADOT&PF received the following awards.
April, 2013
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities has some awesome employees. Thirty-six have been nominated by their peers for recognition under the Governor’s Denali Peak Performance Award program. Thank you and congratulations to each of these exceptional employees for their outstanding service and teamwork. Thank you too to their colleagues for taking the time and energy to nominate and recognize their accomplishments. To see the nominees, winners, and honorable mentions, visit the DOT&PF Denali Awarda website or visit the main Denali Awards website.
October 2, 2012
Two years of Jennifer Anderson’s (formerly Jennifer Eason) hard work were rewarded last month when she received the Federal Highway Administrator’s (FHWA) Public Service Award. Anderson, a transportation planner for the Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF), earned the honor for her contributions updating the Traffic Monitoring Guide (TMG).
August 28, 2012
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) named Amanda Holland chair of its Subcommittee on Personnel and Human Resources (ASHR). Holland has served as division operations manager at the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) since 2010.
June 26, 2012
Three Fairbanks employees from Northern Region DOT&PF recently received their Alaska Professional Engineer license. These individuals were qualified by education, experience and examination, and are bound by a strict code of ethics. The P.E. designation grants the authority to sign and seal or “stamp” engineering documents, thus taking legal responsibility for that document. We are proud of their accomplishments and the additional credentials to our departments.
June 7, 2012
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities is pleased to announce the following airport managers and employees earned the Certified Member designation from the American Association of Airport Executives: Penny Adler, Northern Region; Linda Bustamante, Statewide Aviation; Judy Chapman, Central Region; Eland Conway, Anchorage International; Jessica Della Croce, Statewide Aviation; Jeff Doerning, Cold Bay Airport; Scott Eastaugh, Wrangell Airport; Becky Iles, Statewide Aviation; Teri Lindseth, Anchorage International; Marc Luiken, DOT&PF Commissioner; Tim Mearig, Anchorage International; William Moss, Anchorage International; Greg Patz, Southeast Region; Tonia Winkler, Anchorage International; and Leah Henderson with DOWL HKM.
“I congratulate and applaud our airport managers and staff as they advance our department’s competency as aviation professionals and their continued pursuit of excellence in airport management,” said Deputy Commissioner of Aviation Steve Hatter.
To earn this designation, candidates must demonstrate an in-depth knowledge in a wide range of airport related topics including management, Federal Aviation Administration and Transportation Security Administration regulatory requirements, property management, and environmental regulations.
May 25, 2012
The Airport Police and Fire Department fielded a team of ten members to participate in the Alaska Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics held on Saturday, May 19, 2012. The team, named the Airport Flyers, included members of the Police and Fire Department and their friends and family, who collected $394 to support Special Olympics in Alaska.
“We had a great time supporting the community and participating in this year’s event!” said Deputy Chief Dave Schulling, who has participated in this event for the past two years. “Our officers and their families enjoy the opportunity to be active in the community and support such a great cause.”
May 7, 2012
Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport is pleased to announce that John Johansen, Manager of Engineering, Environmental and Planning at ANC, recently completed the Accredited Airport Executive Program through the American Association of Airport Executives.
Candidates are required to meet a number of pre-requisites to earn this designation, and complete a three phase process. Each phase is designed to test one’s knowledge, comprehension and understanding of aviation management and requires a commitment, time and knowledge to successfully complete the rigorous program.
May 3, 2012
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) is pleased to announce the following employees earned the designation Accredited Airport Executive (A.A.E.) from the American Association of Airport Executives: Jesse Vanderzanden, Fairbanks International Airport Manager, and Melissa Osborn, Chief of Operations for Fairbanks International Airport; and Jeremy Worrall, Maintenance & Operations Superintendant for DOT&PF Northern Region.
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities has some awesome employees. Twenty-five have been nominated by their peers for recognition under the Governor’s Denali Peak Performance Award program. Thank you and congratulations to each of these exceptional employees for their outstanding service and teamwork. Thank you too to their colleagues for taking the time and energy to nominate and recognize their accomplishments.
[ visit website ]
February 2, 2012
Meadow Bailey, public information officer with the Northern Region Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, has received the Accredited Public Relations credential through the Public Relations Society of America. Bailey is one of only 22 in Alaska with the APR distinction and among approximately 5,000 worldwide. The accreditation examination process tests 10 groupings of competencies and is administered by a consortium of nine leading public relations organizations.
January 18, 2012
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Southeast Region has selected Tim Doggett as this year’s Employee of the Year.
Tim is a senior engineer for the design of marine facilities for Southeast Region. Since 2005, Tim has been an integral part of the marine design section at Southeast Region and provides a lead engineering role in the planning, design and construction of marine facilities – primarily on AMHS ferry terminal projects. Tim has worked on projects at nearly all the Southeast and Southcentral ferry terminal locations. During the past year, Tim completed design work on new ferry terminal mooring structures, pile supported docks and vehicle transfer bridges in Annette Bay (Metlakatla), Angoon, Hoonah and Pelican. He was instrumental in designing a major repair project this fall for the Cordova Ferry Terminal in which the float system was damaged by adverse weather conditions and was in imminent danger of loss of property. Tim routinely develops unique and cost effective solutions in every aspect of his work and is always willing to offer his time and expertise to help others. The department is truly enhanced by Tim’s dedication and contributions, and his selection as Employee of the Year is well deserved!
Also honored as “Outstanding Employees” for Southeast Region are:
Southeast Region employee’s given a “Certificate of Commendation” are:
November 28, 2011
Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport is proud to announce that Sompan “Nit” Reinhardt, Environmental Services Foreman at the Airport, recently received two prestigious awards.
The YWCA Anchorage selected Ms. Reinhardt from approximately 50 nominees as one of ten 2011 Women of Achievement. Ms. Reinhardt is described as a “one person ambassador“ by Hilary Morgan, Executive Director of the YWCA. Through the Asian Alaskan Cultural Center, and Wat Dhamma Bhavana Buddhist Center, she assists immigrants in finding housing, employment, and acculturating into the community.
October 26, 2011
Northern Region ADOT&PF celebrates three graduates who pursued excellence through higher education. Two of the recent graduates, Jeff Russell and Andrew Schultz were among the first cohorts to receive a graduate certificate in construction management.
The graduate certificate in construction management is program supported by ADOT&PF, the University of Alaska and industry professionals. The program is designed to advance the managerial skills and decision-making abilities of engineers and other professionals in the construction industry.
October 26, 2011
ADOT&PF Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officer Michael Rogers was recently recognized by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) at the 2011 North American Inspectors Championship (NAIC) with a team award for vehicle inspections. Officer Rogers has worked with ADOT&PF, Division of Measurement Standards & Commercial Vehicle Enforcement as a Commercial Vehicle Officer for over nine years, he is currently assigned to the Alaska State Trooper Bureau of Highway Patrol in Palmer.
The CVSA is an international not-for-profit organization comprised of motor carrier safety officers and industry representatives from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Each year, CVSA recognized the best commercial vehicle inspectors by inviting member jurisdictions throughout North America to participate in the NAIC.
October 10, 2011
The Northwest Chapter of the American Association of Aviation Executives awarded the 2011 NWAAAE Aviation Excellence Award to Trudy Wassel, Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (TSAIA) Business Manager. Trudy was nominated for the award by Department of Transportation Deputy Commissioner of Aviation Steve Hatter. TSAIA Airport Manager John Parrott accepted the award on Trudy’s behalf at the NWAAAE 2011 Annual Conference, held September 25-27 in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The “Aviation Excellence Award” is intended to recognize those airport management professionals, other than the person having primary responsibility for the airport, that have gone out of their way and given substantial extra effort to ensure the promotion, operations, maintenance or development of aviation and/or the airport. The recipient should be a person of exceptional qualities who may perform management, supervisory, operational, engineering, planning or maintenance functions in the second or other level of the airport organization.
May 10, 2011
Pat Kemp, deputy commissioner of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities presented awards to police officers Phil McBroom, of North Pole; Thomas Gaulke of Anchorage; Allen Brandt and Sergeant Gary Yamamoto of Fairbanks; for their dedicated enforcement of impaired driving and primary seat belt laws.
Soldotna police department officer Marvin Towell received an Award of Appreciation for his years of service; including writing more than 1,500 seatbelt citations without one public complaint over the past three years.
May 9, 2011
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities is pleased to announce the following airport managers and staff earned the Certified Member designation from the American Association of Airport Executives: Stephen Brunanski, Fairbanks International; Dan Buchholz, Fairbanks International; Rebecca Cronkhite, Statewide Aviation; Dave Cummings, Bethel Airport; Steve Hatter, Deputy Commissioner of Aviation; Stephen Henry, Fairbanks International; Debra Herrick, Anchorage International; Tom Hubble, Anchorage International; Paul Khera, Southeast Region; Bob Madden, Nome Airport; Melissa Osborn, Fairbanks International; Steve Parry, Anchorage Airport; Chris Pike, Bethel Airport; Javier Robinson, Anchorage Airport; Rich Sewell, Statewide Aviation; Angela Spear, Fairbanks International; Dustin Tupper, Deadhorse Airport; Jeremy Worrall, Northern Region.
April 13, 2011
Out of hundreds of nominations DOT&PF’s Kristine Benson receives an Honorable Mention for Exceptional Performance and the Taylor Highway Flood Response Team receives an Honorable Mention for Crisis Responder Team.
We say we have some of the best employees in the state, and this week others agreed with us! Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF) employees were named with Honorable Mentions in the Governor’s Denali Peak Performance Awards.
The Governor’s Denali Peak Performance Award is an annual program that recognizes and rewards individuals and teams for excellence in service to the State of Alaska Executive Branch and the citizens of Alaska.
“I am so proud of these employees,” said Marc Luiken, DOT&PF Commissioner.; “Out of hundreds of nominations—there were 22 nominations from DOT&PF alone—Kristine Benson and the Taylor Highway Flood Response Team were recognized by coworkers for their hard work, outstanding performance and service to the state of Alaska. They are great examples of the outstanding people throughout our organization and they represent DOT&PF very well!”
DOT&PF employees who received Honorable Mentions in the Governor’s Denali Peak Performance Awards are:
Employees recognized for their contribution to the Taylor Highway Flood Response are: John Burns, Dana Ulvi, Charles House, David Likins, Gary Antrim, Daniel Helmer, Wade Harbison, Steve Gowins, Ted Roach, John Pfeffer, Tom Kent, Shawn Alexander, Dixie Thompson, John Chamberlain, Kyle Heinchon, Kyungyun Chi, Roy Sayman, Clyde Kelso, Randy Core, Heidi Schaefer, Frank Brassart, Jaclyn Elmes, Garrett Thatcher, Sid Richards, Boyd Brownfield, Jeff Currey, Jeff Stutzke, Brett Nelson
Award Winners and Honorable Mentions will be recognized at the Governor’s Denali Peak Performance award ceremony at Centennial Hall in Juneau on May 12, 2011 at 3:00 p.m.
For a complete list of award winners visit: doa.alaska.gov/dop/denaliAwards/winners2011/
Dec. 22, 2010
(JUNEAU, Alaska) – The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Southeast Region has selected Missy Tyson as this year’s employee of the year.
Tyson is the foreman at the Skagway Maintenance and Operations Station where she is responsible for maintaining state roads including a border crossing and an airport which is open throughout the year.
“Missy is also responsible for snow removal on the Klondike Highway which presents difficult challenges between September and March,” said Gary Franzen, the region’s chief of maintenance and operations.
The Klondike Highway rises from sea level to an elevation of 3,292 feet in 15 miles.
Prior to taking the supervisor’s position in Skagway, Tyson served on the maintenance and operations team in Juneau.
Nov. 18, 2010
(JUNEAU, Alaska) – Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) Capt. Thomas Moore accepted the Honored Seafarer Award on behalf of the ship, AMHS and the State of Alaska Nov. 13 during the Admiral of the Ocean Sea award ceremony in New York City.
AMHS and the Taku crew were honored for a rescue Taku’s crew performed Oct. 13, 2009. The 352-foot Taku departed Juneau and was sailing to Hoonah when a call for help came over the ship’s radio. The Alaskan Pride's captain, Mike Worthington of Kake, reported an engine room fire growing out of control. Worthington and Darren Manual of Spokane, Wash., broadcast a mayday call and abandoned the 55-foot boat for a life raft. Taku diverted course in 35-knot winds and 10-foot seas to pull the uninjured fishers to safety.
May 17, 2010
(FAIRBANKS, Alaska) — Fairbanks International Airport announces that Melissa Osborn, Airport Operations Officer, successfully completed the Airport Certified Employee (ACE) program for operations personnel. Melissa is the first and only Fairbanks International Airport (FAI) employee to have ever successfully attained ACE certification.
ACE Operations is a comprehensive certification program sponsored by the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE). Geared toward public use airports such as FAI, ACE teaches Federal Aviation Administration Part 139 curriculum designed to educate and challenge airport personnel with airfield operations responsibilities. Certification requires successful passage of a grueling 100 question written final exam.
May 11, 2010
(JUNEAU, Alaska) — Jesse VanderZanden, Fairbanks International Airport manager, and John Johansen, Engineering, Environmental and Planning Manager at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, recently earned the Certified Member designation from the American Association of Airport Executives.
To earn this designation, candidates must demonstrate an in depth knowledge in a wide range of airport-related topics including management, Federal Aviation Administration and Transportation Security Administration regulatory requirements, property management and environmental regulations.
February 17, 2009
(FAIRBANKS, Alaska) – Sam Lamont, an environmental liaison with the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF), has won the 2009 Educational Achievement Award from the International Erosion Control Association (IECA).
Lamont was honored Tuesday during the annual IECA conference in Reno, Nev. The award is presented annually to an outstanding individual who has demonstrated a commitment to excellence in natural resource conservation and environmental protection through delivery of effective erosion and sediment control education.
“DOT&PF is a stronger organization due to the expertise of Sam Lamont,” said Steve Titus, DOT&PF Northern Region Director. “He is dedicated to environmental issues and excellence in construction.”
In 2008, Lamont became the first Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) at DOT&PF and one of nine CPESC’s in Alaska. As a CPESC, Lamont designs and evaluates Storm Water Pollution and Prevention Plans (SWPPP), implements erosion and sediment control best management practices, and shares his advanced experience, knowledge and expertise with DOT&PF Design and Construction staff.
Lamont is the Alaska board member for the IECA and a valued asset to DOT&PF’s mandate towards environmental compliance.
November 10, 2008
(JUNEAU, Alaska) - Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) Capt. Samuel Daniels accepted the Honored Seafarer Award on behalf of the ship, AMHS and the State of Alaska Friday night during the Admiral of the Ocean Sea award dinner ceremony in New York City.
AMHS and the Chenega crew were honored for the rescue Chenega’s crew performed June 8 after they plucked two men and a boy out of the frigid waters of Prince William Sound near Southcentral Alaska.
Chenega’s Fast Rescue Boat (FRB) crew sped to the boaters who were clinging to debris to remain afloat. Chenega’s crew rescued 28-year-old Luke Renner of Homer and Andy Renner, 31, and his eight-year-old son Owen, both of Palmer, on that Alaska summer day. Their 22-foot pleasure boat reportedly sank after the vessel’s bow was struck by several waves.
About 800 people attended the ceremony including U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Norton A. Schwartz, chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Coast Guard Commandant, Admiral Thad W. Allen.
May 28, 2008
(JUNEAU, Alaska) - An exuberant Jack Beedle (right) of DOT&PF's Southeast Region (SER) reacts after the director, Mal Menzies, presents him with a travel coffee mug, one of many gifts Beedle received during his retirement luncheon outside SER May 28. Beedle, an engineer and architect, served DOT&PF for more than 31 years.
February 5, 2008
The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) Southeast Region (SER) recently selected Bern Savikko as its 2007 Employee of the Year.
Savikko, an Alaska-registered professional engineer, works primarily in the marine engineering field with the Design Engineering staff.
Born and raised in Douglas, Alaska, Savikko initially studied biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks before switching programs to Washington State University where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering.
Savikko began his DOT&PF career in the mailroom while a college intern. Following graduation, he entered the Engineer-In-Training (EIT) program and worked in DOT’s Central and Southeast Regions. His exposure to marine design during his rotation with the Division of Water and Harbors convinced him that he had chosen the right field. In 1982, Savikko joined the marine division as an entry level engineer and progressed to the division’s engineering design manager position.
Savikko was nominated by his peers and selected employee of the year by his supervisors for his outstanding achievements.
“Bern’s been a principal designer of shore facilities for the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) and has designed a myriad of structures such as vehicle transfer bridges, bridge lifts, pontoon systems, mooring dolphins, fender floats and pedestrian gangway,” said Mal Menzies, Director, Southeast Region. “Additionally, Bern has designed harbor and seaplane facilities throughout Alaska.”
During his 28-year DOT&PF career, Savikko designed many innovative solutions that included safely transferring vehicles and passengers to and from various AMHS ferries in Alaska’s extreme tide ranges.
“He’s an invaluable resource of information about shore facilities at the ferry’s 32 ports of call,” Menzies said. “Bern has an amazing ability to illustrate intricate problems with simple and clear drawings, and he promotes a cooperative work environment among his staff – making him greatly respected by his peers.”
Other nominated staff members included James Lowell, P.E., a special projects engineering manager for the Construction Division; Timothy Doggett, P.E., a technical design engineer in the Marine Design section of the Preconstruction Division; Prince of Wales Island Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Foreman, Timothy Lacour who’s based in Klawock. Lacour was also named Citizen of the Year by the Prince of Wales Chamber of Commerce. Janelle White, EIT, MBA, of the Project Control Section, for overseeing program and project budgets.
Those receiving certificates of commendation from the SER were; Jonathan Griffin of the Contracts Section; Pat Harmon, Heidi Mercure, and John Scott of Construction Division; Tim Reed of the Right of Way section; James Nelson, Jr. of M&O, Mary Kay Havens, Chad Howard P.E, Jonathan Weaver; Charles Tripp P.E, and Benjamin White of the Preconstruction and Design section. Also receiving certificates were Latina Bergam of Wrangell and Mandi Bolshakoff of Ketchikan both in the Construction Section.
January 18, 2008
Alaska Marine Highway System Capt. Philip Taylor and the ferry Columbia crew were honored by the Coast Guard in an award ceremony at the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) headquarters.
Rear Admiral Arthur E. Brooks presented Capt. Taylor and his crew with the Coast Guard Meritorious Public Service Award (MPSA) for assisting in rescuing passengers from the cruise ship Empress of the North May 14, 2007.
The MPSA is the second highest award the Coast Guard presents for unusual courage in the advancement of Coast Guard missions.
“The efforts of Captain Taylor and Columbia’s crew will long serve as an example of true selflessness and heroism to many people for years to come,” said Leo von Scheben, Commissioner, DOT&PF.
Shortly after midnight on May 14, the Empress of the North grounded near Rocky Island Light in Southeast Alaska with 281 passengers and crew aboard.
The motor vessel Columbia responded to a Coast Guard Urgent Marine Information Broadcast and diverted from their original destination. Once on scene with the cruise ship, Columbia’s crew volunteered to serve as a host platform for the 252 passengers that had been already evacuated from the grounded cruise ship.
The Columbia teamed with the crew of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Liberty and four other vessels to safely transport the 252 passengers between the Empress of the North and the Columbia. Captain Taylor and his crew were instrumental to the overall success of the rescue effort, one of the largest in Alaska history. None of the passengers were injured during the rescue evolution.