Prohibited and Restricted Noxious Weeds
The official list of prohibited noxious weeds for Alaska, maintained by DNR. This list should be reviewed to technically comply with E.O.13112. Any listed species found at a project site will require that appropriate measures be implemented to stop the spread of these species.
DOT&PF Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM)
The Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM) assists the department in managing vegetation on its lands to improve safety, provide improved maintenance services, and control invasive species.
UAF Cooperative Extension Service
The Cooperative Extension offers services and expertise in many areas regarding pests and invasive species. Their experts can help identify, eradicate, and prevent pest problems.
ADF&G Invasive Species
This site includes invasive aquatic plants and invasive animals. Presence of any of the listed species at a project site will require that appropriate measures are implemented to ensure that project activities do not result in spreading these species. This website also provides a link to a database of all non-native plants. Keep in mind that invasive is different than non-native. DOT&PF is not responsible for issues with non-native species that are not shown on the DNR, CNIPM or ADF&G invasive aquatic plant and animal lists.
USDA Alaska Noxious and Invasive Weed List
This site provides profiles of many of the plants on the DNR list. There is a searchable database that can be used to get additional information regarding an invasive species of concern.
UAA AKEPIC Non-Native Plant Species Data Portal Mapper
This site provides maps of known occurrences of invasive and non-native species. It is a useful tool for initial research at a project site. It also includes a ranking of invasiveness for non-native plants. This is a useful tool in judging the potential issues related to invasive species that may be present at a project site.
Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System
This site provide additional information about the AKEPIC mapper.
Alaska Invasive Species Partnership
The Alaska Invasive Species Partnership (AKISP) is an affiliation of interested individuals representing agencies, organizations, and members of the public with the purpose of working together for the prevention and management of invasive species across the landscape, including freshwater and marine ecosystems.
Disposal and Control of Invasive Plant Species -- Southeast Region
DOT&PF Southeast Region developed an Invasive Species Disposal and Control Matrix to better define disposal options for various invasive species encountered during construction, as well as control options for maintenance and operations staff. For Federally funded projects, use this matrix to provide better cost estimates for invasive species handling prior to PS&E. It should also be useful for construction staff to determine means and methods for addressing invasive species that were not previously identified on an ongoing project.
Local Cooperative Weed Management Associations (CWMAs) may help in determining if there are invasives at a project site and identifying effective methods of treatment.
Soil and Water Conservation Districts These organizations may also be helpful with regional and local invasive species concerns: |
Anchorage (907)677-7645 |
Mid Yukon-Kuskokwim (907)676-0336 |
Fairbanks (907)479-1213 |
Palmer (907)745-1441 |
Homer (907)235-8177 x108 |
Salcha-Delta (907)895-6279 |
Kenai |
Upper Susitna (907)733-7923 |
Kenny Lake (907)359-4455 |
Wasilla (907)357-4563 x103 |
Kodiak (907) 486-5574 |
3132 Channel Dr.,
P.O. Box 112500
Juneau, AK 99811-2500
Phone: (907) 465-2975
Fax: (907) 465-3124
Doug Kolwaite
Statewide Environmental Program Manager