Design & Construction Standards

What's New: 2024 Media Release on Campaign Signs
What to know before posting signs in Alaska:
Campaign advertising is an important and sometimes expensive investment for campaign organizers. To help campaigns understand the limitations of advertising along Alaska roads and highways DOT&PF offers the following resources to help formulate a lawful marketing plan.
DOT&PF responsibilities
Federal and State laws and public demand require DOT&PF to regularly inspect and maintain over 5,600 miles of State roads to ensure:
- the continued safety of the traveling public;
- compliance with Federal and State laws and mandates;
- uninterrupted Federal funding for public projects; and
- preservation of Alaska's unique and scenic beauty.
Failure to enforce the applicable statutes and regulations places federal transportation funding in jeopardy.
Origin of authority and responsibility
In response to 23 U.S.C. § 131, the Highway Beautification Act of 1965, and 23 CFR § 750 Alaskans overwhelmingly voted to adopt statutes under AS 19.25.075 ‑ AS 19.25.180 and regulations under 17 AAC 20.005 - 17 AAC 20.013 to ensure public safety and federal regulatory compliance, and preserve the state's scenic beauty by minimizing outdoor advertising.
Consistent with those laws and regulations, it is illegal to place unauthorized signs, including both political and commercial advertising, within State highway rights of way. Unauthorized use poses a threat to the safety of the traveling public. Alaska law also has strict limits on commercial advertising in areas adjacent to State highways.
Further Reading: Superior Court Ruling on Political Signs
Frequently Asked Questions
- How will I know where I am not permitted to advertise?
Begin by searching for the route in question in the Federal Aid Highways: Interstate, Primary, and Secondary Highways of Alaska . Additional resources are available on the State’s Right-of-Way Map page.
The extent of the State’s highway right of ways are not always easily visible on the ground. However, the law also prohibits signs outside of the right of way but visible from the traveled way except signs allowed under AS 19.25.105, and except those signs addressed in the Alaska Superior Court’s November 13, 2018 Stipulated Final Order and Judgment. DOT&PF staff will make every effort to work with the public. For assistance related to specific roads and highways, contact the appropriate Regional Right-of-Way office.
- Central Region Right of Way, Anchorage 907.269.0700
- Northern Region Right of Way, Fairbanks 907.451.5400
- SouthCoast Region Right of Way, Juneau 907.465.4499
Map of DOT&PF Regional Boundaries
- What will DOT&PF do with signs within the State’s highway right of ways?
DOT&PF may immediately remove from within the State’s highway right of ways unauthorized signs and vehicles displaying advertisements without notification or compensation. Other authorized agents, such as public safety officers, may also continue to remove signs.
- What will DOT&PF do about signs adjacent to the State’s highway right of ways that are still prohibited or deemed unsafe?
Under AS 19.25.150, notice of violation and request for compliance will be sent to the property owner. Courtesy notice may also be sent to the company or service provider advertised.
AS 19.25.150 requires DOT&PF to remove the offending item and 17 AAC 20.013 states removal is “at the expense of the owner of the land or the person who erected it.” Enforcement actions are prioritized based primarily on safety considerations and available resources.
DOT&PF makes every effort to treat all property and business owners with fairness and respect. In recent years, DOT&PF has contacted thousands of business and property owners to inform them of the applicable laws and request removal of unlawful outdoor advertising. In most instances, owners voluntarily remove the items identified.
- What are the penalties for violation?
In accordance with AS 19.25.130, 17 AAC 20.012 (c), and 17 AAC 20.013 (c) a person who violates these statutes and regulations is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction will be fined at least $50 and as much as $5,000 per violation. In addition, violators will be charged for the actual expense of removal of the sign with a minimum charge of $50 per sign, plus associated costs, except where the Alaska Superior Court has limited enforcement for certain signs located on private property meeting the criteria in the November 13, 2018 Stipulated Final Order and Judgment.
- Can I recover an impounded sign from DOT&PF?
Items impounded by DOT&PF may be held in storage for a period of up to 30 days. DOT&PF is not responsible for damage during removal, transport, or storage. Under 17 AAC 20.012 (c) and 17 AAC 20.013 (d), owners may claim the signs by paying all fees and costs associated with removal. Items in storage are destroyed after 30 days.
Visit DOT&PF’s Right-of-Way site for more resources regarding the State’s public right of ways.