The project would
The project improvements would require permanent acquisition of portions of privately and publicly owned properties for right-of-way (ROW).
This would require permanent acquisition of approximately 45 partial parcels with some duplication. Click Here for project area maps.
2013 - The Department and Sheinberg Associates began preliminary design and environmental baseline studies for the proposed route in 2013.
2014 & 2016 - Public and Agency Scoping began in early 2014 and again in 2016.
June 2017 - The project environmental document was completed and the Plans-in-Hand (PIH) stage was completed. Updated plans are available for viewing here.
October 2017 - The Plan, Specification and Estimate (PS&E) stage was completed. Modifications to the project were idenfied and design updates began.
March 2019 - Design updates completed and a new environmental document was started. Public and Agency Scoping was re-initiated.
May 2021 - Construction begins. For construction updates, click here.
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