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State Equipment Fleet (SEF) Contacts

photo of truck hauling equipmentDriver Leroy Gabriel hauling one of many heavy loads up and down the Dalton Highway. Photo by Brian Goss, Alaska DOT&PF

Complete list of all SEF Shops

Headquarters contacts

Central Region contacts

Northern Region contacts

Southeast Region contacts


5420 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, Room 204
Anchorage, AK 99507

Brad Bylsma Statewide Fleet Manager (907) 269-0787
Kari Carter Admin Officer (907) 269-5967
Vacant Specifications and Statewide Quality Assurance Manager (907) 451-2264
Kristi Futrel Contracting Officer IV (907) 269-0793
Tricia Dye Contracting Officer II (907) 269-0786
Bre Maxwell  Supply Tech II  (907) 269-0791
SEF Vehicle/Equipment Bill Questions
Steve Deliman Equipment Operations Analyst (907) 269-0790
EMS Systems Support
Steve Deliman Equipment Operations Analyst (907) 269-0790
Cindy Lee Equipment Operations Analyst (907) 451-5364

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Central Region

5420 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99507
Fax 269-5964

Danny Johnson  CR/SW District Equipment Manager
Anchorage, Aniak, Bethel, Chulitna, Cold Bay, Dillingham, Homer, Iliamna, King Salmon, Kodiak, Mat-Su, Palmer, Seward, Silver Tip, Soldotna
(907) 269-5973
Michael White Equipment Operations Analyst (907) 269-5935
Charlene Lind Office Assistant (907) 269-5653
Ronda Schenderline Accounting Clerk (907) 269-5663
David Rutherford Parts Manager, Anchorage (907) 269-5934


Northern Region

2301 Peger Rd
Fairbanks, AK 99708
Fax 451-2867

Jim Fischer NE District Equipment Manager
Cordova, Delta, Fairbanks, Northway, O'Brien Creek, Paxson, Slana, Tazlina, Tok, Valdez
(907) 451-5356
Jamie Ellingson NW District Equipment Manager
Barrow, Cantwell, Chandalar, Coldfoot, Deadhorse, Healy, Jim River, Livengood, Nome, Sag River, Seven Mile, Unalakleet
(907) 451-5219
Susan Morrow Admin Assistant (907) 451-2265
Liz Stewart Admin Clerk (907) 451-5252
Paul Accola Parts Manager, Fairbanks (907) 451-2324

Southeast District

6860 Glacier Hwy.
Juneau, AK 99801
Fax 465-2025

Tim Wolfe SE District Equipment Manager
Juneau, Haines, Ketchikan, Klawock, Petersburg, Sitka, Skagway, Wrangell
(907) 465-1792
Chris Rathbone SE Parts, Juneau (907) 465-1791
Vacant  SE Parts, Ketchikan (907) 225-3660

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