Program Goal: To improve motor vehicle crash data in order to reduce crashes and injuries on Alaska's roadways.
Ensure that complete, accurate and timely traffic safety data are collected, analyzed and made available for decision-making at the national, state and local levels to reduce crashes, deaths and injuries on our nation’s roadways.
Provide strong coordinated Federal leadership to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of traffic safety data collection and analysis and the resources needed to support it. The U.S. DOT TRCC will support data improvements at all levels of government that minimizes duplication, improves uniformity, advances electronic data collection, and facilitates data access and use.
To improve the timeliness, accuracy, completeness, uniformity, integration, and accessibility of the safety data for highway safety purposes at the local, state, and national levels. Traffic records data are the basis for defining, managing, and evaluating traffic safety activities and performance.
Online Version of the Alaska Driver Self-Report Crash Report Form
The following is a link to the Federal rules for traffic record projects. We encourage you to review and understand the respective areas as described within the Federal Register, i.e. the owner of the Crash System could review the “Crash Information Quality” within the Federal Register to gain an understanding of what is required. It addresses the “six pack” (timeliness, consistency, completeness, accuracy, accessibility, and data integration) in relation to the systems that comprise the Traffic Records System (Crash, Roadway, Vehicle, Driver, Citation/Adjudication, and Injury Surveillance Systems).