All equipment purchased under these programs must be used to provide passenger transportation services. Examples of eligible capital projects include:
NOTE: All equipment purchased with FTA funds must be part of an asset management plan.
Construction projects involve building a transit-related facility. Examples of eligible construction projects include:
Operating assistance usually consists of activities and services that are directly provided or purchased by the grantee. Examples of eligible operating activities include:
Project administration usually consists of activities and services that are directly provided or purchased by the grantee and are not directly linked to operations. Examples of eligible project administration activities include:
Training events eligible for reimbursement include: courses, seminars, workshops and conferences specifically related to issues and needs that relate to non-urbanized transit organizations as well as “hosted” classes held by transit organizations through Alaska Rural Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP) training program. Training can be delivered by a third party or be provided in-house, in or out-of-state.
Examples of such events are: community CPR, Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and first aid courses, RTAP-sponsored special workshops, Alaska Community Transit Conference and out-of-state conferences related to transit, such as the Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) Conference.