Juneau Riverside & Stephen Richards
Congestion Mitigation Project SFHWY-00081
Background Information & Frequently Asked Questions

Project Background
In 2008, the intersection was converted from a two-way stop control to a four-way stop control to reduce the
high frequency of crashes (10th highest in the region when weighted for severity). While the implementation
of the four-way stop control decreased the crash rate and severity, traffic through the intersection now
experiences excessive delay and long queues in the morning and evening peak hours. The delays and long
queues triggered this intersection being added to the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program under
the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program.
The project will be funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) with a CBJ match.
Phase I: Public outreach began in July 2018. During this phase, preliminary concepts and ideas were
discussed with the public. Phase 1 refined designs and informed the selection criteria for traffic design options.
Phase 2: Following public outreach and refinement of the recommended traffic design options, DOT&PF conducted the environmental review and developed the final design. The project was advertised and as of summer 2020, construction is underway.
Proposed Traffic Control Concept
Based on analysis and public feedback, DOT&PF proposes a traffic signal. Many factors were examined
in determining how each potential traffic control concept fulfilled the project’s purpose and need. Factors
in the selection process included traffic flow, safety, right-of-way impacts, and maintenance costs. In the
consideration of these factors, DOT&PF and consultants determined that the traffic signaling concept best
fulfilled the intersection considerations.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Click HERE for a PDF of the FAQs
(476 KB)
What is the problem?
- The problem at the Riverside Drive and Stephen Richards Memorial Drive intersection is congestion. More vehicles are trying to pass through the intersection during the morning and evening rush hour than the intersection can handle, leading to long traffic queues and delays.
Who is involved in this project?
- DOT&PF analyzed traffic conditions, developed a proposed traffic control concept, and is continuing
to gather public input in collaboration with the City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ).
- The CBJ provided recommendations to DOT&PF on the final intersection design concept selected.
- DOT&PF is also responsible for verifying that funding for projects that qualify for the Congestion Mitigation Air and Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program – such as the Riverside and Stephen Richards intersection–have been used in accordance with federal regulations.
How will the intersection change?
- In collaboration with the CBJ and community stakeholders, DOT&PF developed and evaluated
a variety of traffic control design concepts that could improve traffic flow while maintaining safe
movement of both vehicles and people.
- A proposed traffic control concept has been identified through the selection process. The proposed
concept identified through this process is a traffic signal.
What factors were considered in the selection of the proposed traffic control concept?
- Many factors were examined when selecting the proposed traffic control concept. Traffic flow
and safety were the primary considerations in the selection process. The traffic signal is the most
effective traffic control concept for reducing congestion and improving safety. Right-of-Way (ROW)
was a factor in selecting the proposed traffic control concept. The proposed traffic control concept
has no ROW impacts. Another consideration in the selection process is the required maintenance of
the proposed traffic control concept. The traffic signal concept has lower maintenance costs than
the other concepts considered. Overall project cost was not a large factor in the selection process,
as each considered concept had similar project costs.
Will the public have an opportunity to provide input on the project?
- Yes! The first open house was held on July 11, 2018. The next open house will be on February
7, 2019. The project team will present the proposed traffic control concept selected, solicit your
input on the proposed traffic control concept, and collect any other thoughts you have about the
- In addition to the open houses, a stakeholder advisory group (comprised of State, CBJ, and local
organization representatives) meets during project development and provides additional input
throughout of the development process and design phase.
What are the next steps?
DOT&PF has
- Measured and quantified traffic problems at the intersection.
- Developed and evaluated traffic options for addressing the problems.
- Assessed cost and impacts associated with various intersection redesign options.
- Presented design options and their impacts to CBJ and the public.
- Refined design options and selected a recommendation of the proposed traffic control concept.
DOT&PF will present the preferred traffic design option for further feedback and refinement.
The public will have a 30 day comment period to provide feedback to DOT&PF on the proposed traffic control concept. After the comment period, DOT&PF will prepare the final environmental document.
When will the project be built?
- Construction is underway as of summer 2020.
More Questions?
Click here for project documents.
Click here to contact us.