As of 10/10/2024 06:46 AM AKDT
This page lists upcoming DOT&PF development solicitations for highways, airports, buildings, and marine facilities, detailing expected engineering, architectural, planning, and other services. Unless otherwise stated, current project plans and specifications are generally unavailable at this time.
Please note that non-construction professional service agreement RFPs are not included on this site. For active solicitations, refer to the RFP bid calendar link.
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Companies bidding on Construction-Related Professional Services RFPs must be listed on the AASHTOWare Project Vendor List to be eligible. To be added to the AASHTOWare Project Vendor List Click here and follow these instructions.
Region(s):Phase 1 – Pre-Construction Services: CMGC Contractor to aid during functional design efforts specific to the vessel hull and other systems with exception of the Propulsion System and Vehicle Elevator and Turntable System, this will include providing industry expertise on identifying and implementing innovative solutions, risk management, constructability evaluation, and development of construction cost and schedule information. Phase 2 – Construction: The Contractor will manufacture, acquire, validate, deliver, provide installation support and provide commissioning support.
more >Professional services to provide formatted media on an as-needed basis for various internal and external communications purposes. Examples of deliverables include original content creation or editing of data (infographics/charts), figures, fliers, brochures, reports, presentations, website content, videos, and GIS mapping.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services to design roadway and pedestrian facility upgrades on W 32nd Ave. between Lois Dr. and Minnesota Dr.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services to extend the southern parallel taxiway from Taxiway F to Taxiway C, reconstruct the Taxiway C interlink, reconstruct Kulis Taxiway, and tie into the Kulis Apron.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services to rehabilitate Taxiways (TW) Romeo South from TW Papa to TW Kilo and TW Lima from TW Romeo to TW Echo. Anticipated improvements include: provide adequate typical section; remove and replace asphalt, evaluate taxiway safety area; replace lighting, markings, and signs; remove, replace and modify existing storm drainage; and adjust utilities as needed.
more >Design
more >Engineering Services
more >Civil Design Services
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services that may include environmental activities, hydraulic/hydrologic design, traffic and safety analysis, surveying and mapping services, geotechnical investigation/recommendations, public involvement, reports and memoranda, erosion and sediment control plan, plans, specifications, and engineer’s estimate, utility agreements, right of way appraisal, acquisition & relocation services, assistance during bidding, assistance with design project closeout, and assistance during construction.
more >Design Engineering Services
more >Design
more >Design Services
more >Professional services for a full range of transportation related modeling expertise to maintain and provide customer service for modeling work. These services include, but are not limited to model development, data collection and development, model runs and training to staff. The goal of the statewide effort is to produce consistencies between the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) models while achieving high-quality calibration standards, raise the confidence levels of all agencies relying on model outputs and creating a logical, user-friendly maintenance tool. This effort will also allow the Department of Transportation to develop traffic forecasting products outside of the MPO’s model boundaries if desired.
more >Provide professional services for improvements at the Eagle River - Glenn Hwy / Artillery Rd interchange, Artillery Rd / Eagle River Rd / Old Glenn Hwy intersection, and other nearby intersections. Activities include: Environmental Document, Historical & Cultural Resources, and Sections 4(f)/6(f); Phase I Site Investigation and Phase II Site Characterization; Topographic and ROW Surveying and Mapping; Public Involvement; Interchange and Intersections Alternatives Analysis; Traffic and Safety Analysis; Utility Conflict Analysis, Coordination, and Design; Design Study Report; Plans, Specifications, and Engineer’s Estimate (PS&E); Erosion & Sediment Control Plan; Traffic Control Plan; and ROW Appraisals and Acquisitions.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional electrical engineering supporting the rehabilitation of operational surfaces and access road, replace lighting system, install erosion protection around Runway 20 (northwest end), widen the runway for better wind coverage, relocate primary wind cone and segmented circle, and add new visual aids (supplemental wind cone and threshold markers).
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services as required to evaluate and provide options with cost estimates for a construction solution to reduce stormwater foaming and/or treatment of storm water which is currently draining to the Cook Inlet from "Outfall D" north of the intersection of Postmark and Northern Lights Drive.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional electrical design services to support this rehabilitation project.
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