As of 10/10/2024 07:01 AM AKDT
This page contains the current award status of highway, airport, building and marine facility development solicitations recently solicited.
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Companies bidding on Construction-Related Professional Services RFPs must be listed on the AASHTOWare Project Vendor List to be eligible. To be added to the AASHTOWare Project Vendor List Click here and follow these instructions.
Region(s):Contractor shall provide professional services to assist with the development of Bid-Ready Construction Documents for above referenced project. The project will construct a non-motorized crossing at Lake Otis Blvd to connect the East and West portions of Campbell Creek Trail. This reconstruction may include bridge work, roadside hardware, drainage improvements, intersection improvements, ADA improvements, and utilities. Services are anticipated to include Civil Engineering, Environmental Activities, Traffic and Safety Analysis, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP), Public Involvement Services, Assistance during Bidding, Assistance with Design Project Closeout, and Assistance During Construction. Additional services may be added as needed to support the Department. [IRIS No. CFHWY01029]
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services for the design and advertising of the above-named project. The project will rehabilitate Chugach Way between Spenard Road and Arctic Boulevard and include non-motorized improvements. Services are anticipated to include Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design, Traffic and Safety Analysis, Public Involvement, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Plans, Specifications and Engineer's Estimate, assistance during Bidding, and assistance with Project Design Close-out. Assistance during Construction is anticipated to be negotiated and added by amendment. Additional services may be added as needed to support the Department.
more >The Contractor shall develop and produce an updated Part 150 Noise Study, including development of noise exposure maps and noise compatibility program, while working with federal, state, and local planners, local aviation groups and interested citizens and submit to the FAA for approval. Contract may also require assistance with local land use implementation, input into the forecasting methodology and departure profile analysis beyond the typical Part 150 Scope of Work.
more >The Contractor shall provide Professional Services to complete a bid-ready set of Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E). Services are anticipated to include Civil and Electrical Engineering; Surveying and Mapping; Environmental Services; Public Involvement; Hydrologic and Hydraulics (H&H) Engineering; PFAS Testing; Engineer’s Design Report (EDR); Construction Safety and Phasing Plan (CSPP); Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP); Assistance during Bidding; Design Closeout Documentation; and Assistance during Construction.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services to complete a bid-ready set of plans, specifications, and estimate (PS&E) for the Dillingham Airport Fence and Service Road project. Services shall also include Hazardous Materials (HM), environmental services, hydrology, an engineer’s design report (EDR), Construction Safety and Phasing Plan (CSPP), Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP), Assistance During Bidding, Design Closeout Documentation, and Assistance During Construction.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services to design a replacement roof system on the existing Department of Public Safety (DPS) Headquarters Building, located at 5700 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK. Anticipated services include architectural and related structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering, cost estimating, hazardous materials assessment, bidding support, and construction administration assistance.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services for upgrades, replacement, and repairs of the fire alarm panel, and of the sprinkler system in the Fairbanks Regional Office Building (FROB), located at 675 7th Ave, Fairbanks, AK 99701. Included in this work are evaluation of the existing system, providing recommendations to address deficiencies, hazardous material investigation, design services, and bidding and construction support.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services for the renovation of the existing snack bar in the Juneau State Office Building. Planned improvements include installation of a Type 1 ventilation hood system, new lighting, cabinets, counters and finishes throughout. The area being renovated is known to contain asbestos, and environmental control/design will be required. The Contractor shall provide all professional services necessary to support the successful completion of the project and shall participate in client meetings to verify planned project objectives and scope.
more >The requirements of this project shall consist of evaluation and upgrade of the main entry plaza, stairs and ramps, canopy, curtain wall and entry doors, including a snow melt system for the plaza/stairs/ramps. The design process shall require coordination with Department of Transportation and Public Facilities personnel to evaluate project needs and in determining recommended courses of actions. Documents must meet current building codes and conform to applicable State of Alaska guidelines.
more >The purpose of the proposed Professional Services Agreement is to hire a contractor to provide right of way appraisal, acquisition and relocation services to the Department. The acquisition of property is required to build the above referenced federally funded project.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional design services to resurface the existing pavement that may include as necessary: roadside hardware, drainage improvements, ADA improvements, safety improvements, bridge repairs, and utility relocations. Activities include: Surveying/ROW Mapping, Public Involvement, Erosion & Sediment Control Plan (ESCP), Plans, Specifications, & Estimates (PSE), and Design Analyses & Reports (DAR), Project Closeout, Assistance During Bidding, and Assistance During Construction. The Contracting Agency may add up to two (2) similar pavement preservation projects during the initial period of performance
more >The Contractor shall provide right of way appraisal, acquisition and relocation services in support of the Seward Highway MP 25.5-36 Trail River to Sterling Wye Rehabilitation (3R) project.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services for the design and advertising of the above named project, and two (2) additional projects. The first project will replace Tudor Road Overcrossing at the Seward Highway to meet current standards. It will improve turning movements and non-motorized accommodations to address safety concerns. It will rehabilitate interchange ramps and intersections to meet the new bridge configuration, as needed. The Contractor will be the lead designer for this project. Anticipated services are described in the Statement of Services. The additional two (2) projects are AMATS: Rabbit Creek Road Rehabilitation and AMATS: Potter Drive Rehabilitation. These two projects are being designed in house and the Contractor will be provided support services as needed.
more >The Contractor shall provide design services for the Seward Highway / Sterling Hwy Intersection Improvement project. The project will redesign the existing intersection to improve Interstate to Interstate traffic movements and safety. Design services include: Environmental Activities, Wetlands Delineation, Public Involvement, Surveying, Preliminary Engineering, Avalanche Mitigation Engineering, Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design, Traffic Safety Analysis, Electrical Design, Utility Relocation Coordination, Design Study Report, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Plans, Specifications, & Engineers Estimate, Assistance During Bidding, Assistance with Design Project Closeout, and Assistance During Construction. The Contracting Agency may add by amendment other services as described on the Proposed Statement of Services at a future date, but it is under no obligation to do so.
more >The Contractor shall conduct a Value Engineering Study for the Seward Hwy: Milepost 25.5-36, Trail River to Sterling Wye Rehabilitation project in accordance with State of Alaska Department of Transportation Policy and Procedure (P&P) 05.01.030, providing a Value Engineering Team consisting of a Team Leader and Team Members. As outline in the P&P, the Team Leader shall be a Certified Value Specialist (or demonstrate comparable experience and expertise), and Team Members shall have experience in disciplines appropriate for the variety of elements associated with the project conditions. The Contracting Agency can supply two to three in-house employees or consultant design team members currently under contract with bridge design, highway design, and construction experience to supplement the VE team’s expertise and can also provide meeting room space. The duration of team study is expected to be five days, in or around June of 2024. The study will follow the Value Engineering (VE) Process as described at the following link: The Contractor shall prepare a final report of the team’s recommendations three weeks after the team study.
more >The Department intends to enter into a negotiated agreement for Independent Cost Estimator (ICE) Services for the Sterling Safety Corridor Improvements MP 82.5 to 94 Progressive Design Build. The ICE will be expected to provide the DOT&PF with timely cost estimates, estimating expertise and experience to assist in determining fair and reasonable costs for the project. The Contractor shall have experience in cost estimating and scheduling for the construction of large highway projects.
more >The Contractor shall conduct a Value Engineering Study for the Sterling Safety Corridor Improvements MP 82.5 to 94 project, in accordance with State of Alaska Department of Transportation Policy and Procedure (P&P) 05.01.030, providing a Value Engineering Team consisting of a Team Leader and Team Members. As outlined in the P&P, the Team Leader shall be a Certified Value Specialist (or demonstrate comparable experience and expertise), and Team Members shall have experience in disciplines appropriate for the variety of elements associated with the project conditions. The Contracting Agency can supply two to three in-house employees or consultant design team members currently under contract with bridge design, highway design, and construction experience to supplement the VE team’s expertise and can also provide meeting room space. The duration of team study is expected to be five days, in or around October of 2024. The study will follow the Value Engineering (VE) Process as described at the following link: The Contractor shall prepare a final report of the team’s recommendations three weeks after the team study. The purpose of the project is to improve safety and reduce congestion for people and freight traveling along the Sterling Highway between Sterling and Soldotna. This project will provide highway travelers a safe and reliable roadway that supports efficient movement of goods, services, and people, while accommodating the seasonal increase of tourist and recreational traffic through the design year of 2050 by addressing the identified safety issues and heavy congestion on the highway.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services for upgrades, repairs, and replacement of the Peger Complex Water Distribution & Sewer System located at 2301 Peger Road, Fairbanks, AK.
more >The Contractor shall provide professional services for Surveying & Mapping in support of the above-named project, which is being designed in-house. Services are anticipated to include Control, Design, ROW surveying, Airport Property Plan (APP), Airport Acquisition Plat (AAP), and imagery. [IRIS No. CFAPT01003]
more >The Contractor shall provide on-site technical support and oversight of contractor activities during rockfall mitigation construction/rock scaling:
more >The Contractor shall provide professional design engineering services to explore alternative transportation corridors and networks to improve safety, mobility, resiliency, and economic vitality for Alaskans traveling between Anchorage and the Matanuska Susitna Valley, and destinations to the North and East. These services may include: data collection and review, origin-destination analysis, traffic forecasting, and agency and stakeholder involvement.
more >The Contractor shall provide design services for the Bethel: Chief Eddie Hoffman Rehabilitation project. The project will rehabilitate Chief Eddie Hoffman Highway from the Bethel Airport to Watson's Corner. This project may include phased construction. Specific services that are major include surveying (topographic and ROW), ROW mapping, hydrologic and hydraulic design, traffic analysis, a design study report, public involvement, plans, specifications, engineer's estimate(s), assistance during bidding and assistance during construction. The initial contract includes only the Survey and ROW Mapping Task to initiate field work during the 2024 season, with the remainder of the scope in subsequent year. The Contracting Agency may add by amendment other services as described on the Proposed Statement of Services at a future date, but it is under no obligation to do so.
more >Prepare the Alaska Traffic Manual Supplement and Alaska Sign Design Specifications to support Alaska’s adoption of the 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
more >The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), in partnership with the City of Whittier, requires professional planning services to lead and develop the City of Whittier Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The goal of the TMP is to coordinate with other organizations, such as, but not limited to, the Alaska Railroad Corporation, Chugach Corporation, Tribal Organizations within the surround area, Huna Totem, Barge and Tourist Companies, and others focused on transportation planning and project development within or near the City of Whittier. The TMP will include project management; data assembly and coordination with organizations planning or developing projects in or near the City of Whittier; documentation of existing conditions; needs analysis; public involvement; project recommendations; and a final report.
more >Professional services to develop the Cordova Second Street Reconstruction project’s Preliminary and Final PS&E assemblies following the project development process for federal-aid highway capital improvement projects. Scope of work includes all civil design tasks required to develop the project’s Preliminary and Final PS&E assemblies, provide design support during advertising and design support during construction.
more >Fairbanks Area Surface Transportation (FAST) Planning is seeking a qualified Consultant to facilitate the update of two transportation planning documents for the Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB): the Short & Long Range Transit Plan and Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan.
more >The Northern Region State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (Department) invites proposals from general construction contractors to serve as "Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC)" for Kotzebue to Cape Blossom Road - Stage II. The CMGC procurement is intended to encompass all materials, labor, supplies, equipment and supervision necessary for the complete construction of the project, including any preconstruction related services during the development process.
more >The Northern Region State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), Construction Section, is seeking professional engineering services for construction administration support as required to ensure proper inspection, contract compliance, and documentation of active contracted DOT&PF projects.
more >Proposed Work: Professional engineering services to mitigate intersection crashes and improve air quality a roundabout is proposed at these two locations. Reducing intersection crashes is Strategy 2 of the Roadway Emphasis Area of the Strategic Highway Safety Plan. Reducing emissions, traffic delay, congestion, and engine idle time is part of concerted effort to improve air quality and meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act. Construction is anticipated during 2027 for both projects.
more >The Northern Region State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Division of Preconstruction Services is soliciting for professional photogrammetric products and services.
more >The purpose of this term agreement is to provide passive seismic surveys for multiple statewide bridges capable of producing data to a depth pf 150 feet below the ground surface. Contactor will process the seismic data within the top 100 feet (Vs 100) as calculated by AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design (2023) and deliver a 1-dimensional profile of shear-wave velocity for each survey location. Contractor shall also provide a written report with figures for each Bridge location showing results.
more >Professional Services for Cultural Resources services for the Tok Cutoff Highway MP 8-22 Rehabilitation project
more >The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOTPF) is seeking professional services to provide updates and training as needed for the HPCM. The immediate need is to rewrite Chapter 1160, Resurfacing, Restoration, & Rehabilitation (3R) Projects and support updates to Chapter 1170 related to new specifications for structural supports for highway signs. Additional updates, primarily to Chapters 10, 11, 12, and 14, may be needed in the future dependent on available DOT&PF staffing and expertise. Developing and conducting trainings on modified HPCM sections will also be required.
more >Provide engineering services for development of Alaska Standard Plans and related details. It is anticipated that this will be used primarily for Statewide projects but may be used by the regions as needed. The contracts will be utilized for State funded projects as well as federally (FHWA, FAA and FTA) funded projects.
more >The Department is seeking professional surveying services as the surveyor of record in responsible charge to conduct a control survey, survey for design, survey for right-of-way, and develop and maintain supporting documents including but not limited to: field books, point files, descriptors, ASCII coordinate files, survey report and control summary, survey control diagram (record of survey), survey control sheets, GNSS data, digital photographs, TIN files, AutoCAD survey drawings, Right-of-way survey report memo, and annotated plats and research documents.
more >The Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) seeks qualified maritime consultants to conduct an annual Fleet Condition Survey of its vessels. The primary purpose is to assess the current condition of each vessel, identify necessary maintenance or repairs, and recommend future improvements. Scope of Work: • Conduct a detailed inspection of the nine vessels in the AMHS fleet. • Assess the structural, mechanical, electrical, and operational condition of each vessel. • Identify areas requiring maintenance, repair, or upgrades. • Provide detailed reports for each vessel, including findings, recommendations, and prioritization of issues. Additional Requirements: • Schedule surveys after each vessel's annual overhaul to assess the completion of work and identify needs for the next overhaul. • Work closely with vessel management teams to document all known issues. • Consultants must have experience with fleet condition surveys, knowledge of maritime safety regulations, and be prepared to start the survey cycle by January 2025. Contract Work Schedule: The surveys and report preparation will span one year, starting from the contract award. With final reports due three months after the completion of each overhaul. Deliverables: • Detailed reports for each vessel, including executive summaries, code compliance determinations, condition reports on various systems (structural, electrical, mechanical, etc.), and recommendations for regulatory and capital improvement projects. Provided in digital and printed formats. • An executive Fleet Summary Report and updates to a computer database documenting the fleet's condition.
more >Obtain structural, civil, geotechnical, coastal, electrical, and mechanical engineering services for the replacement of the existing Cold Bay Dock in Cold Bay, Alaska. Expertise in the analysis and design of floating structures, fendering structures, and pile supported mooring structures in the marine environment is required. Obtain assistance with writing the Environmental Assessment (EA), including a Climate Change Analysis, Essential Fish Habitat Assessment, Section 106 support, Section 508 compliance, public involvement, and permitting assistance. A detailed scope of work statement is attached.
more >The Southcoast Region, State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DEPARTMENT), Division of Preconstruction Services is seeking professional surveying services for Hoonah Airport Rehabilitation Survey project.
more >The Department intends to solicit professional engineering design development services for the design of two mid-block RRFB crossings of Glacier Highway as well as converting the corridor from the intersection with Egan Drive to Jordan Avenue into a restricted U-turn facility. Professional services will include civil, traffic, and electrical engineering, and public involvement.
more >The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities intends to solicit professional engineering and associated. support services for the inventory, assessment and designed solutions for guardrail and passing zones throughout the region.
more >The Southcoast Region, State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DEPARTMENT), Division of Preconstruction Services is seeking professional engineering and support services for the Iliamna Airport Rehabilitation project.
more >installation of a partial signal at the Egan/Yandukin intersection located in Juneau, Alaska. The Contractor will provide Design services including a complete design of the partialized signal and pedestrian accommodations. The Contractor shall provide assistance with design information necessary to complete the project’s environmental document and permitting processes, and will also provide support services necessary for conducting public and stakeholder involvement.
more >The Department intends to enter into a negotiated agreement for professional planning and survey services for the 2001 King Salmon Airport Master Plan Update (MPU). The Consultant selected will provide and lead a team of planners, surveyor(s), and other subject matter experts to develop a top grade product for the future of the King Salmon Airport and service to the Bristol Bay Borough.
more >The Department intends to enter into a negotiated agreement to obtain professional structural, civil, geotechnical, coastal, electrical, and mechanical engineering services for the design and retrofit of three AMHS ferry terminal facilities located in Chenega, Tatitlek, and Cordova, Alaska. Expertise in the analysis and design of floating structures, synchro-lift structures, bridge and fendering structures, and pile supported mooring structures in the marine environment is required.
more >Provide Construction Administration engineering services for the Sitka: Sawmill Cr. Road Resurfacing construction project as outlined in Appendix B, Statement of Services.
more >Design and engineering services for the Z679770000 YAK Airport Security Fence, SFAPT00538 YAK Gate Replacement and Locking Systems, and SFAPT00518 YAK Rehabilitate Trench Drains and Apron Pavement. The consultant selected will provide professional engineering and support services for design, bidding assistance, and construction assistance for the subject projects.
more >The Department is seeking professional surveying services as the surveyor of record in responsible charge to conduct a control survey, survey for design, survey for right-of-way, and develop and maintain supporting documents including but not limited to: field books, point files, descriptors, ASCII coordinate files, survey report and control summary, survey control diagram (record of survey), survey control sheets, GNSS data, digital photographs, TIN files, AutoCAD survey drawings, Right-of-way survey report memo, and annotated plats and research documents.
more >The Southcoast Region, State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Division of Preconstruction Services is seeking professional bridge management services for statewide National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) and National Tunnel Inspection Standards (NTIS) compliance.
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