Mobility Management/Start-Up
Mobility Management
- Only those agencies in a community with an existing Public Transit - Human Services Coordination Plan are eligible to apply for Mobility Manager Projects. The project should be supported by strategies in the existing plan and listed in an updated project list adopted by resolution. Mobility Manager projects can extend up to 3 years total. State Transit Office statewide objectives for mobility manager projects include: increasing the access and convenience to transportation services for customers; increasing the number of rides, options for transport, and quality of service delivered for the investments made; directing customers to the least-costly appropriate rides for overall efficiency; and increasing the number of interagency cooperative coordination agreements. In competition for funding, the development of one-call dispatch centers is rated highly.
- With this application you may apply for up to 1 year of continuous funding for Mobility Management and Start-Up projects. The State Transit Office recognizes that Mobility Management and Start-Up projects may require up to 3 years to implement the changes necessary. Funding of the Mobility Management projects does not decline over the 3 year period, but the final year’s activities should include lining up the resources necessary to sustain the changes made.
Awards fund short-term administrative costs in the set-up, or operations and initial delivery, of new public transit services or new types of human services transportation (e.g. voucher program, non-medical stretcher service, jobs access program, etc). Start-Up projects may extend up to 3 years total with increasing local contribution and documentation of how the program will be sustained after start-up. In the case of Start-Up projects (only funded by the Alaska Mental Health Trust), funding beyond the first year is in declining amounts, as the local contribution increases.