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Traffic and Safety Resources

Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) - Process

The HSIP is primarily a crash-based program, with an emphasis on eliminating fatal and major injury crashes.

This is a brief summary of the HSIP process.  See the HSIP Handbook for additional detail.

1. Data collection and processing

CD data  imageDOT&PF Statewide Project Development personnel receive, locate, and finalize a year’s worth of statewide crash data reported by the police or by drivers by the end of the next year.   HSIP analysis for the following year’s HSIP is based on the most recent 5 years of available crash data. For example, analysis for the Federal Fiscal Year 2008 HSIP is based on data from 2001 through 2005.

2. Screening of high crash locations

screening imageRegional Traffic and Safety personnel screen all roads in the state for which crash data is available against pre-set criteria to identify high crash intersections and road segments.  Sites identified by the public, municipalities, police, legislators, other agencies, DOT&PF Planning, and DOT&PF Maintenance and Operation personnel receive special attention. Locations advance for further consideration if crash rates at those locations are higher than average or if fatal or major injury crashes are recorded.

3. Project scoping, estimating and ranking

graph imageRegional Traffic and Safety personnel study high crash locations to identify crash patterns that can be corrected with proven engineering countermeasures.  They develop a project scope, cost estimate, and benefit cost ratio for promising projects and compile a list of the best projects in their region.  In Anchorage, the list is jointly produced by DOT&PF and the Municipality of Anchorage Traffic Engineering Division.   Each of the three regions submit a list of proposed projects to headquarters for approval by May 15.

4. Approval of projects eligible for HSIP funding

approval imageState Traffic and Safety personnel review proposed regional projects and submit the ones they approve to the FHWA for approval as eligible to receive HSIP funding.

5. Selection of projects to be funded

funding imageState Traffic and Safety personnel select the most cost-effective FHWA-approved projects to be funded with available HSIP funding.   When approved by the Statewide Program Development Division, selected projects are included in the Statewide Highway Safety Improvement Program project funded under Alaska’s State Transportation Improvement Program.   The final project list is set by September 30.

6. Project design, construction and HSIP management

construction imageRegional personnel manage the design and construction of HSIP projects. State Traffic and Safety personnel manage statewide HSIP funding.

7. Post project evaluation

evaluate imageRegional Traffic and Safety personnel conduct before/after studies to determine actual benefit/cost ratios and crash reduction factors for completed projects.  State Traffic and Safety personnel compile the results and use them to adjust the screening criteria and crash reduction factors to be used in the following year’s HSIP.