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Program Information

The DOT&PF will administer the Snowtrail Grant Program with a focus on continuing to provide reimbursable grant funds for development and maintenance of trails and trail-related facilities for snowmachine use. The Snowtrail Grant Program distributes grant funds for grooming, marking, and signing snowmachine trail systems. The program offers the flexibility to use funds where trail grooming is needed around the state, using snowmachine registration fees to support a system of groomed snowmachine trails. Funds are typically used by snowmachine clubs, non-profits, and businesses to groom and mark trails. Trails must be legal and permitted.  The map below shows the eligible trail locations throughout the state.

Funding for this program does not currently allow for construction activities. If you have a proposed project that maybe outside of the permissible expenses listed below, please contact the DOT&PF Program Manager to discuss the scope of work of your project. Construction activities outside of the permissible reimbursable expenses listed below will trigger and environmental review process required by Federal Highway Administration Title 23.

Permissible reimbursable expenses include:

  • Labor
  • Fuel
  • Automotive Fluids
  • Equipment Parts
  • GPS, and related items
  • Trail markers and signage

For FY25, DOT&PF has funding available, applications packages will be open September 9 - October 7, 2024.. More information regarding the program timeline, eligibility, funding and reporting requirements can be found in the grant application package.


snowmachine trail grooming on a lake
snowmachine trail grooming on a lake