As of 12/09/2024 12:22 AM AKST
This report includes projects that we anticipate advertising in the next 12 months. Unless otherwise stated, plans and specifications are not available at this time. Please check out the Bid Calendar for projects currently advertising.
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Region(s):Work to address plumbing issues within the building and renovation of buildings restrooms to maintain cohesive design, layout and functions.
more >This pavement preservation project includes resurfacing, roadside hardware, drainage improvements, bridge improvements, ADA improvements, and utilities as necessary.
more >This federally funded project will design and construct a combined heat and power system for the North Terminal facility. All work shall be completed within the property boundaries of 4600 Postmark Dr., Anchorage, Alaska.
more >Project to address structural and functional issues within the JSOB north parking garage.
more >This project proposes to make preservation-related improvements to bridges within Kenai Peninsula Borough to reduce future maintenance and extend their serviceable lifespan. Work includes bridge deck polyester concrete overlays, structural retrofits, miscellaneous structural repairs, expansion joints, bridge rail upgrades, guardrail and end terminals, paving, signing, and striping.
more >This Project replaces the Takotna River Bridge (bridge #0463). Project includes bridge work, roadway resurfacing, roadside hardware, drainage improvements, and utilities.
more >The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) proposes to replace Gold Creek Bridge with a large diameter culvert, and replace the Tatalina River Bridge #462.
more >Project will include constructing a new vehicle access control gate at AFM West and install head bolt outlets (HBO) at the TW A and DeHavilland Avenue snow disposal sites.
more >This state funded contract will install pivot gates, access controls, bi-level card reader pedestals, loop detectors, and chain link fence at the old Airfield Maintenance Facility at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport. Also included in the scope is installation of access control and an exit card reader at the North Terminal employee parking lot. Work includes saw cutting and removing existing pavement, trenching, installing new conduit and conductors, and reestablishing pavement.
more >Construct a perimeter road along the northwest edge of the security fence. The road will begin just south of the fuel farm and continue around northwest to follow the existing security fence. Project includes structural section, paving, and security fencing.
more >Rehabilitate the pavement of Aircraft and Lakeshore Dr from Voight Cir to the Lake Hood East property boundary south of runway 14/32. Project includes roadway reconditioning, structural section repairs, drainage improvements, and striping.
more >Culvert replacement, drainage improvements, ditch grading, guardrail, signage, utility relocations, clearing and grubbing. This Child Project will construct the first phase of improvements included in the Parent Project CFHWY00592. .
more >Rehabilitate Ruby Slough Road from Ruby Slough to the landfill. Project will include drainage improvements and roadside hardware.
more >This project reconstructs and upgrades a 12-mile segment of the Sterling Highway. It includes widening the highway, creating passing lanes, resurfacing, improving drainage, minor realignments, upgrading to current geometric standards, and replacing the North Fork Anchor River and Anchor River Bridges. This first phase will construct from MP 157 through 161 and include both bridges.
more >Rehabilitate and extend the life of aprons RON 12, 13, and 14 to include joint seal replacement and concrete rehabilitation.
more >Remove and replace joint sealant and perform concrete repairs on Runway 7R concrete keel.
more >Rehabilitate Taxiway Echo from Taxiway Victor to Taxiway Lima. Improvements include: provide adequate typical section; evaluate taxiway safety area; replace lighting, markings, and signs; remove, replace, or modify existing storm drainage as needed; and adjust utilities as needed.
more >Resurface the Dalton Highway between MP 245-274.
more >Signing and striping on paved Fairbanks city streets to designate space for seasonal bicycle use. Project will include ADA improvements.
more >This project will design and construct permanent repairs (PR) to assets damaged by the December 2020 Storm in the Southcoast Region of Alaska for DDIRs AK 2021 01 HNS00l, AK 2021 01 HNS002, AK 2021 01 HNS003, and AK 2021 01 HNS004. Repairs may include, but are not limited to, asphalt, embankment, geotextile, riprap, drainage, roadside hardware, retaining walls, and utilities. This project will repair sites on Haines Highway.
more >This state funded emergency project will remove and replace the damaged girder on the Peters Creek Undercrossing (NBI 1367) on the Glenn Highway. Work also includes cast in place concrete, bridge rail, pavement striping, and traffic control.
more >This project is for Sitka Seawalk Stage II, which will continue the Sea Walk from the Sitka Public Library to the O¿Connell Lightering Facility. This project would improve pedestrian and ADA accessibility to the existing facilities.
more >Reconstruct Miller Hill Road and Yankovich Road, and improve existing separated multi-use path as needed. Project work will include roadside hardware, drainage improvements, and utilities.
more >Adjust drive lanes at the entrance to provide enough width for maintenance equipment to plow in the vicinity of the access points and rehabilitate the pavement in the parking garage exit area. Project could include pavement removal and replacement, curb removal and replacement, landscaping, and utility relocations.
more >Reconstruct the taxilane Victor gate to increase the reliability and security and reduce the maintenance burden of the pilot controlled (radio signal activated) aircraft access gate.
more >Rehabilitate approximately 5,000 feet of the Tug Road from Taxiway Alpha to A Concourse. Project includes, pavement rehabilitation, and pavement markings. Replacing ditch drainage with a pipe system between tug road and Taxiway Kilo.
more >Resurface Chena Ridge Road and Chena Pump Road. Project will include bridge work, drainage improvements, embankment stabilization, and roadside hardware.
more >Replace two damaged culverts with new Aquatic Organism Passage structures across Trout Creek and Little Trout Creek in Cold Bay, AK.
more >Resurface the existing runway, taxiway and apron and provide drainage improvements. Upgrade lighting system and electrical building. Provide erosion protection for the runway safety area at Runway 29. Replace segmented circle. Upgrade and armor the airport access road to reduce flooding and provide cross drainage. Apply dust palliative to all airport operational surfaces and access road.
more >Replace failing culverts on the Hope Highway at MP 7.9 and MP 12.9. Additional improvements may include, as necessary, resurfacing, erosion protection, guardrail, signs, and striping.
more >Construct a roundabout at the intersection of Chena Pump Road, Old Chena Ridge Road, and Chena Small Tracts Road. Project will include intersection improvements, roadside hardware, and utilities.
more >The project will reconstruct the three-leg intersection of Palmer-Fishhook Rd and Trunk Rd. This project may also include roadside hardware, drainage improvements, intersection improvements, ADA improvements, and utilities.
more >This project will rehabilitate the Kenai Spur Highway between Soldotna and Kenai. A 5-lane highway will be constructed between the Sports Lake Road and Robin Drive intersections to increase capacity and improve safety. This is the second of two phases to construct the project.
more >Pavement preservation, bridge work, roadside hardware, drainage improvements, intersection improvements, ADA improvements, and utilities.
more >Plan, design, and construct 88th Avenue, generally from Lake Otis Parkway to Abbott Road. Project will resurface and re-stripe the existing roadway, and upgrade curb ramps in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). The project may also include structural section improvements, minor upgrades to signal, lighting, and/or traffic recording equipment, utility relocations or adjustments.
more >Provide a design to improve the function, utilization, and maintenance of the C Concourse Plaza area.
more >Resurface Anchor Point Road from Old Sterling Highway to end of road at beach parking lot. This project will include: Pavement Preservation, Roadside Hardware, Drainage improvements, and Utilities.
more >Resurface Big Lake Road from the Parks Highway (MP 0.0) to North Shore Drive (MP 3.6) and its adjacent shared-use pathway near Big Lake, AK as well as resurface Church Road from the Parks Highway to Schrock Road and its adjacent shared-use pathway in Wasilla, AK. The pathway adjacent to Church Road extends from the Parks Highway to Spruce Avenue. The proposed project work includes pavement resurfacing of the roadways and adjacent shared-use pathways, structural dig-outs, striping, roadside hardware improvements, drainage improvements, vegetation clearing and grubbing, utilities relocations, and ADA curb ramps.
more >Pavement Preservation of DeArmoun Rd. from East 140th Avenue to Hillside Drive including improvements to drainage, intersections, ADA, roadside hardware, and utilities. High Friction Surface Treatment may be reapplied.
more >Perform pavement resurfacing, replace pavement markings, replace sidewalk curb with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps at street corners, improve sidewalks and pedestiran facilities, improve intersections, and install cross culverts on various streets and sidewalks in Fairbanks and North Pole.
more >Resurface the Glenn Highway between MP 143-154. Project includes bridge work, drainage improvements, pavement preservation, roadside hardware, and utilities.
more >This project will design and construct permanent repairs (PR) to assets damaged by the December 2020 Storm in the Southcoast Region of Alaska for Disaster Inventory Numbers 461219, 461641, 548035, and 461258. Repairs may include, but are not limited to, asphalt, embankment, geotextile, riprap, drainage, roadside hardware, retaining walls, and utilities. This project will repair sites on Mud Bay Road, Sawmill Road, and at the DOT&PF Maintenance Yard. This project is funded by FEMA.
more >This project will design and construct permanent repairs (PR) to assets damaged by the December 2020 Storm in the Southcoast Region of Alaska for Damage Inventory Numbers 461220 - 461221, 461229, 461231 - 461236, 461253, 461255 - 461257, 461652, 784622, and 918887 - 918890. Repairs may include, but are not limited to, asphalt, embankment, geotextile, riprap, drainage, roadside hardware, retaining walls, and utilities. This project will repair sites on Beach Road, Front Street, Allen-Menaker Road, Comstock Road, Piedad Road and Mud Bay Road. This project is funded by FEMA.
more >This project will design and construct a chip seal overlay on Glacier Highway, between Brotherhood Bridge & the AMHS Ferry Terminal in Auke Bay.
more >This project will design and construct permanent repairs (PR) to assets damaged by the December 2020 Storm in the Southcoast Region of Alaska for DDIR AK 2021 01 JNU002, AK 2021 01 JNU004, AK 2021 01 JNU005, and AK 2021 01 JNU006. Repairs may include, but are not limited to, asphalt, embankment, geotextile, riprap, drainage, roadside hardware, retaining walls, and utilities. This project will repair sites on Glacier Highway/Lemon Road, Egan Drive/Glacier Highway, and Glacier Highway/Twin Lakes Drive. This project is funded by FHWA.
more >Reconstruct Taxiways C and D at Kodiak Airport, Kodiak, AK. This new project replaces stages 2 and 3 of Kodiak Airport apron and Taxiways C, D, and F reconstruction.
more >Rehabilitate and construct safety improvements to the Kotzebue Airport crosswind runway 18-36 and taxiway G, replace airfield lighting, apply dust palliative, and construct a new general aviation apron.
more >The proposed project consist of replacing the sidewalk, curb ramps, approaches and curb and gutters with ADA compliant features along a segment of Steadman Street in Nome, AK. In order to replace the sidewalks, the project will reconstruct the roadway to address the embankment settlement issues and improve drainage.
more >Resurface the Richardson Highway from MP 97 - 106.5. Improvements include bridge work, drainage improvements, roadside hardware, and utilities.
more >Realign and rehabilitate Seppala Drive in Nome. Work includes pavement rehabilitation, roadside hardware, drainage improvements, intersection improvements, ADA improvements, and utilities.
more >Provide additional illumination at the Halibut Point Road/Peterson Avenue Intersection to achieve a level of luminance that meets current DOT&PF standards. Modify adjacent roadway lighting as needed to maintain satisfactory continuous illumination.
more >This project will construct additional aircraft parking at LHD Echo Parking to replace parking impacted by FAA's new ATCT.
more >Copper River Highway MP 2.4 drainage improvements work also includes roadside hardware and utilities.
more >Relocate the BLM Road to the Cambell Tract Facility 260 feet to align East 68th Avenue with intersection improvements to include bus stop and integration to existing signalized intersection.
more >Pavement preservation, roadside hardware, structural improvement in limited areas, minor drainage and/or safety improvements, utility adjustment/relocation, signing and striping.
more >Reconstruct 22 signalized intersections at multiple locations in the City of Fairbanks. Work includes roadside hardware and intersection improvements.
more >Reconstruct eight signalized intersections at multiple locations in the Fairbanks and Parks Highway Nenana Canyon area. Work includes roadside hardware and intersection improvements.
more >This project is to remove rockfall debris from existing rockfall catchment ditches to restore functionality.
more >Resurface North Tongass from the Airport Ferry Terminal (milepoint 0.717) to (and including) the Ward Cove (milepoint 4.485). Replace culverts and guardrail at the end of useful life. Correct erosion and clear brush at Cannery Creek Bridge No. 746.
more >Project will construct a connection between the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail to the Ship Creek Trail in downtown Anchorage. Major Project Elements include Bridge Work (Pedestrian), Roadside Hardware, Drainage Improvements, Intersection Improvements and ADA Improvements.
more >Rehabilitate the runway and taxiway, stabilize the embankments, resurface the airport access road, apply dust palliative, and replace the airport lighting system.
more >Install and replace roadside delineators along the Dalton Highway from MP 247 - 289 and MP 305 - 362.
more >This project will design and construct permanent repairs (PR) to assets damaged by the December 2020 Storm in the Southcoast Region of Alaska for DDIRs AK 2021 01 HNS005, AK 2021 01 HNS006, AK 2021 01 HNS007, AK 2021 01 HNS008, AK 2021 01 HNS009, AK 2021 01 HNS010, AK 2021 01 HNS011, and AK 2021 01 HNS012. Repairs may include, but are not limited to, asphalt, embankment, geotextile, riprap, drainage, roadside hardware, retaining walls, and utilities. This project will repair sites on Haines Highway & Lutak Road.
more >Resurface Kachemak Drive from Sterling Highway to East End Road. This project will include: Pavement Preservation Roadside Hardware, Drainage improvements, Intersection improvements, ADA improvements (to include curb ramps) and Utilities.
more >Resurfacing and grading the runway, regrading ditches and safety areas, replacement of inoperative culverts and drainage repairs. Installation of new AWOS. CC 24300447 LC 33008462 Phase: T02FA1 LC & CC Description: SFAPT00361-2P-Resurf.
more >Pavement preservation, which may include improvements to roadside hardware, drainage, intersections, automated traffic recorders, pedestrian facilities, bridge work, striping, and utilities.
more >Begin preliminary design for the Unalaska airport apron and taxiway rehabilitation. For the terminal apron: mill 2 inches of the existing AC pavement and repair underlying PCC. Repave with 2 inches hot mix asphalt. For the hanger apron: repair PCC surface and joints and overlay with 2 inches of hot mix asphalt.
more >Project to address remaining Asbestos ad HVac Issues within the Dot 7mi complex's main building within Juneau Alaska
more >Perform PFAS Remediation measures at ANC. Remediation includes installing permeable reactive barriers using an activated carbon mixture within the Postmark Bog. Project also includes replacement of two manholes within the Postmark Bog.
more >Resurface the Glenn Highway from Kings River bridge to Cascade. Additional improvements may include bridge work, roadside hardware, drainage improvements, intersection improvements, ADA improvements, and utilities as necessary. Project construction may be phased.
more >This project will resurface the Kenai Spur Highway between mileposts 29 and 38. Improvements to roadside hardware, safety, drainage, signs, and minor structural section improvements may also be included.
more >Replace deep culvert at Odiak Slough near Milepost 1.3 on the Copper River Highway in Cordova. Project work includes pavement preservation, roadside hardware, drainage improvements, ADA improvements and utilities.
more >Reconfigure existing parking lot and access roads at Pearl Creek Elementary School in Fairbanks in order to improve vehicle circulation and reduce vehicle idling. Parking lot work includes installation of new vehicle electrical plug-ins, ADA improvements, drainage improvements, paving, and roadside hardware.
more >This is a pavement preservation project for Sterling Highway from Homer Hill to Kachemak Bay Drive. This project includes resurfacing, roadside hardware, drainage improvements, ADA improvements, and utilities as necessary.
more >This federally funded project proposes to rehabilitate the runway, taxiway, apron, and access road. Drainage improvements will include special ditching, culvert replacement, and regrading ditches. Other improvements include airport lighting, visual aids, signs, and aircraft tie-downs.
more >This pavement preservation project will resurface Victory Road. Additional improvements may also include: utility relocation, roadside hardware, vegetation clearing, dig-outs, drainage, signs, and striping.
more >Work includes: Removal of 5 mooring/berthing dolphins and replacing with 6 new mooring/berthing dolphins, removal and replacement of 5 catwalks, removal and replacement of 2 gangways, and electrical upgrades to dolphin and walkway lighting systems.
more >Project will strengthen a portion of the north terminal apron to support jet aircraft.
more >This HSIP project will construct a median barrier on 5th Avenue between Concrete Street and the couplet of 5th and 6th Avenues (Karluk Street). Work may include roadside hardware, drainage, improvements, and utilities.
more >This project will install FYA signal heads for existing protected-permissive and permissive left turning movements (opposing left turns will both be upgraded, where identified); install new signal poles, mast arms, and foundations as required to complete FYA upgrades; upgrade existing TS-1 traffic controller cabinets and electrical load centers to support FYA operation; relocate mast arm signage and reconstruct existing sidewalk, roadway, curb and gutter, and curb ramps as required to modify the required traffic signal to FYA operation.
more >Install a non-traversable median and roadside barriers on Tudor Road between Baxter Road and Patterson Street. The proposed median targets head-on and access-related crashes by providing physical separation between vehicles, identifying specific left turn locations, and promoting through trips. This median may be raised concrete curb, concrete barrier, or a combination of both median types.
more >Construct a single-lane roundabout at the Loop Road - Mendenhall Boulevard - Valley Boulevard intersection.
more >Resurface Mendenhall Loop Road between Stephen Richards and Floyd Dryden roundabouts and between Floyd Dryden Roundabout and Valley Blvd intersection. Phase T02015 CC 24300499 LC 33009412
more >Reconstruct and extend Kwigillingok Airport to community class standards. Will acquire ROW, improve safety, upgrade runway & taxiway, install runway and taxiway lighting, construct a new apron that meets design setbacks, and construct a new snow removal equipment building(s).
more >This project will construct repairs for the November 2018 earthquake in the Central Region of Alaska for DDIRs AK 2019 02 041, AK 2019 02 070 and AK 2019 02 102. Repairs may include, but are not limited to, asphalt, embankment, bridge, roadside hardware, retaining walls, utilities, and drainage.
more >Pavement Preservation of Palmer-Fishhook Road Mileposts 7-17 and may include, as necessary: Bridge Work, Roadside Hardware, Drainage Improvements, and Utilities.
more >Construct a one-way couplet in downtown Wasilla bounded by Bogard Road, KGB/Main Street, Yenlo/Talkeetna Street and the Palmer Wasilla Highway. The exact location of the couplet will be determined during the environmental and preliminary design phase. Improvements to Bogard Road will be necessary to make the couplet functional. Work will consist of new road construction, lane reconfigurations, signals, new pavement, signing and striping, and sidewalks.
more >This project will convert the southbound Egan lanes to continuous green movements at the Vanderbilt intersection by adding a left turn acceleration lane for vehicles turning south from Vanderbilt onto Egan.
more >Project will reconstruct Seward Highway MP 14 Railroad Crossing (#4054) to accommodate ARRC's project to raise railroad grade. Work will also include drainage improvements, roadside hardware, and utilities as needed.
more >Construct safety improvements on Fairview Loop between Sue Lane and South Valley Loop and Alder Lane and South Bearing Tree Lane. Work includes reconstruction, widening, drainage improvements, utilities, and roadside hardware.
more >Project will construct modifications and improvements to facilitate efficient through travel along the Glenn Highway corridor and nearby roads between Boniface Parkway and the Parks Highway so that during times when lanes are blocked by accidents or other events, gridlock does not preclude travel between Anchorage, Eagle River and the Matanuska Valley.
more >Install a single lane roundabout at the 4 leg intersection of Wasilla-Fishhook Rd and Spruce Ave/Peck St intersection.
more >Construct a bicycle and pedestrian facility along University Avenue South between the Parks Highway and Armistead Way. Project includes pavement resurfacing, drainage improvements, and roadside hardware.
more >Rehabilitate Chugach Way from Spenard Road to Arctic Boulevard and include non-motorized improvements.
more >Install an estimated 70 monitors and 70 input stations with associated hardware, software, and accessories to provide visual paging throughout the South Terminal, Connector, and North Terminal Lobby to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.
more >The project will rehabilitate the Haines Airport runway and taxiways. Construction activities include, reclimation of paved surfaced, construction of a new taxilane, drainage modification, electrical and lighting replacement, constructing a new access point for the public helipad, and constructing a SREB foundation pad,
more >This project will construct a standard single bay, heated snow removal equipment building at the Haines Airport. This building will serve as warm storage for the airports snow removal equipment to ensure that it is available to clear snow for safe runway operations.
more >This project will design and construct permanent repairs (PR) to assets damaged by the December 2020 Storm in the Southcoast Region of Alaska for Damage Inventory Numbers 461224, 461227, 461237 - 461239, 461243 - 461250, 784625 - 784632, and 786036. Repairs may include, but are not limited to, asphalt, embankment, geotextile, riprap, drainage, roadside hardware, retaining walls, and utilities. This project will repair sites on Lutak Road. This project is funded by FEMA.
more >Install center line rumble strips on rural highways on Prince of Whales Island. Phase 2 (T02015) CC 24300501 LC 33009432
more >This project will mitigate rockfall hazards on Klondike Highway from MP 4.84 to 5.35. Rockfall mitigation will include scaling and stabilization.
more >This project will design and construct permanent repairs (PR) to assets damaged by the December 2020 Storm in the Southcoast Region of Alaska for DDIRs AK 2020 01 HNH001, AK 2020 01 HNH002, AK 2021 01 PTG002, AK 2021 01 PTG003, and AK 2021 01 SGY001. Repairs may include, but are not limited to, asphalt, embankment, geotextile, riprap, drainage, roadside hardware, retaining walls, and utilities. This project will repair sites in Hoonah, Petersburg & Skagway.
more >Reconstruct the runway (1-19) lighting and taxiway (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) lighting at Talkeetna Airport. Improvements also include replacing the wind cones, rotating beacon, and threshold markers.
more >This project proposes to rehabilitate and resurface the operational surfaces at the Tununak Airport to correct cracks, ruts, uneven surfaces, dips (over 6"), soft spots, and ponding. Dust palliative will be applied for fines preservation to bind aggregate and prevent loss of fines. Drainage improvements may include special ditching and culvert realignment where needed. Lighting and visual aids will be repaired or replaced where they have been damaged or displaced by subsidence.
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