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Fairbanks North Star Borough High School Access & Circulation Plans

The Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF), in partnership with Fairbanks Area Surface Transportation (FAST) Planning, is conducting a planning study of the access and internal circulation at West Valley and Hutchison High Schools.

Temporary Traffic Modifications will be in effect at the campuses of
West Valley and Hutchison High Schools
Monday, October 14, 2024, through Friday, October 18, 2024.

The purpose of the traffic modifications is to implement temporary improvements on site that help mitigate identified circulation concerns and to allow for the testing and refining of traffic improvement alternatives prior to construction.

Click on the links below to view the temporary detours.

Project Objective

The objective of the study is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by reducing congestion and to improve safety for all transportation modes.

Project Overview

West Valley and Hutchison High School campuses are in close proximity to each other. Both schools start and end at the same time causing vehicle and pedestrian traffic from both schools to interact with each other in a short time frame. This planning study will:

  • identify the concerns between all modes of transportation (such as buses, pickup/drop-off traffic, student drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists).
  • propose mitigations to address the identified concerns.
  • develop a Recommendations and Implementation Plan to document the findings of the study and identify a prioritized list of mitigations that address traffic and safety.

The study area is shown in the image below.

Approximate Limits of Project Study Area

Project Funding

This study is funded by FAST Planning’s Carbon Reduction Program. To learn more this program, please visit

Project Schedule

Click here for larger image.

Project Schedule (last updated October 8, 2024)

Thanks to everyone who shared comments about their experience and concerns with the current access and circulation at West Valley and Hutchison High Schools. The project team is currently working on the Need Analysis. We expect the final plan to be completed in May 2025.

This website was last updated October 2024. You can expect us to post updates approximately every three months throughout the planning process. If you would like more information, please reach out to the project team at or (907) 451-2281.