Surface transportation improvements are funded by Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit
Administration program and matching funds from state and/or local sources. Funding from state and local
sources is very limited. Most of the surface transportation needs are funded through the federal surface
transportation program known as Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act. The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is used to
show planned uses of federal and state transportation funding.
The foundation of the STIP is the Transportation Needs and Priorities List. The Needs List is a document that contains all the air, land and water transportation projects in Alaska that have been formally proposed by residents, elected officials and transportation professionals. It is an ever-changing inventory of needs. Local and state government and other organizations and agencies review, evaluate and nominate a large number of projects for inclusion in the Needs List. The priority projects in the Needs List inventory become the foundation for the STIP.
More STIP information can be found here.