Intelligent Transportation Society of Alaska (ITS
Alaska) is a nonprofit corporation that was established
in January 2008 as a chartered state chapter of the
national organization, ITS America. ITS Alaska has
the potential to be a strong advocate for intelligent
transportation systems (ITS) and foster an environment
for members to share ideas, encourage interest and
integration, stimulate public-private and institutional
partnerships, and support ITS developers, implementers
and policy makers.
Members of ITS Alaska will include those with an interest in advancing ITS deployment in Alaska, especially those in the transportation related industry. Members may represent colleges and universities, government agencies, organizations, associations, corporations, and individuals. With a wide variety of members, ITS Alaska will be able to carry out its mission: “to elevate safety and mobility through leadership and promote a strong innovative Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) community in Alaska.”
For information about joining ITS Alaska, see:
Questions about the Iways program or website?
Isvan Gomez, ITS Coordinator/511 Manager