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Parks Highway MP 99-163 Drainage & Culvert Improvements

State/Federal Project No: CFHWY00592/0A41042

Updated January 2025

What's New

Map of project area

2023 Culvert AOP Grant Applications

Project Overview

The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is developing a project to improve culverts and drainage infrastructure within the Parks Highway corridor between Milepost 99-163. Throughout the project corridor, various culverts and drainage infrastructure are exhibiting signs of deterioration including pipe corrosion, drainage channel blockage, inlet and outlet scouring, and other deficiencies. Approximately 200 culverts in the project corridor are anticipated to be evaluated and potentially improved with this project; many were installed more than 50 years ago when the Parks Highway was initially constructed. The Department is focusing on improving the culverts in the most critical condition first.

Project Phasing

The project is being developed in phases for design and construction.

Phase 1: Replace 10 culverts that are in critical condition and pose the most risk to the highway if they fail. The culverts addressed in Phase 1 are shown in green on the adjacent figure. The design process is complete. Construction may begin in 2025.

Phase 2: Replace the existing 144-inch culvert at Railroad Creek (MP 128.5) with a bridge; it is shown in red on the adjacent figure. The design process is complete. Construction may begin in early 2025.

Phase 3: Replace 7 failing culverts, 2 of which may result in bridges. The culverts to be addressed in Phase 3 are shown in yellow on the adjacent figure. Construction may begin in early 2027.

Phase 4: Replace 7 failing culverts, 3 of which may result in bridges. The culverts to be addressed in Phase 4 are shown in purple on the adjacent figure.

Future Phases: In the summer of 2023, the project team ranked and prioritized roughly 70 of the remaining culverts in the project corridor. Culverts addressed in "Future Phases" will be prioritized, as they are currently in poor condition.

  • Drainage improvements
  • Culvert maintenance, replacement, and new installations
  • Bridge construction
  • Ditch grading
  • Digouts and associated resurfacing
  • Guardrail
  • Signage
  • Utility relocations
  • Clearing and grubbing



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