Federal public transportation law (49 USC 5311(c)(1)(B)) and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Section 300076, authorizes the formula amount of the Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program (Tribal Transit Program) for Fiscal Years (FY) 2022-2026. Five percent of Rural Formula (Section 5311) funding is available for the Public Transportation on Indian Reservations program. 20 percent of the Public Transportation on Indian Reservations funds must be distributed on a competitive basis, while the remainder must be apportioned by formula. There is no local match required under the formula program.
Only federally recognized tribes are eligible recipients under the Tribal Transit Program. However, tribes which are not federally recognized remain eligible to apply to the state as a subrecipient for funding under the State's apportionment.
Provides funding to federally recognized Indian tribes to provide public transportation services on and around Indian reservations or tribal land in rural areas. Federally recognized tribes may use the funding for capital, operating, planning, and administrative expenses for public transit projects that meet the growing needs of rural tribal communities. Examples of eligible activities include capital projects; operating costs of equipment and facilities for use in public transportation; and the acquisition of public transportation services, including service agreements with private providers of public transportation services.