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Wolfe Point Slope Stability Improvements

Project # SFHWY00432


The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) is proposing to repair unstable slopes on Tongass Highway between MP 3.0 and MP 3.2. DOT&PF is proposing construction of this project as early as February 2025.

The purpose of this project is to increase safety and improve the mobility of the traveling public by reducing the frequency and severity of rock fall events. Work on this project includes:

Wolfe Point (1, 2, 4 on site plan)

  • Ditching: clean rockfall debris out of ditch in areas to be identified and potential ditch modifications such as cutting foreslopes to improve the retention characteristics of the ditch in some areas
  • Rockfall Hazard Removal: scaling and blasting to remove loose debris and rock
  • Evaluate locations of bus pullouts
  • Rock Slope Stabilization: drill drain holes to reduce groundwater pressures, install rock dowels and pinned mesh over rock face
  • Improvements: a culvert will be replaced, a portion of the roadway will be resurfaced, and guardrail will be replaced at locations within the project area
  • Temporary Measures: concrete barriers will be installed as a temporary rockfall protection and traffic control measure. The barrier will be installed along existing centerline and will be removed at the end of construction work
  • Temporary Access Control: the DOT&PF Scenic Wayside (4511 North Tongass Highway (Wolfe Point)) will have periodic access control including a one-lane closure during non-blasting activities, full closures to the wayside during blasting activities, and limited closures during excavation activities

Additional information:

  • Environmental document (Categorical Exclusion) completed November 28, 2022.
  • Final design has been completed and the project has been awarded to SECON.
  • DOT&PF is proposing construction of this project as early as February 2025.

This project is currently under construction. For updates, visit this website.

Government agencies sometimes need to acquire additional property rights for public projects. The Uniform Act (49 CFR Part 24) is used to assure equitable treatment to property owners and that just compensation is provided for any additional property rights. The Right of Way section will reach out directly to any property owners whose property, or a portion of property, is necessary for the construction of the project. The Right of Way Acquisitions Brochure explains the rights and benefits of property owners whose real property is to be acquired.

If you have questions or comments about this project, please contact:

Keri Williamson, P.E.
Project Manager, DOT&PF
Phone: (907) 465-1819

To correspond by text telephone (TDD), call (907) 451-2363.

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by DOT&PF pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated April 13, 2023, and executed by FHWA and DOT&PF.

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