These Mission and Goals Statements were developed with public input in 2008.
Develop a regional transportation plan that improves mobility for residents, goods, and services throughout the region by using the advantages of air, marine, and land transportation.
Enhance Regional Mobility: Improve transportation opportunities based on demand, reliability,
frequency, speed, safety, affordability, environmental responsibility, and the unique character
of our communities.
Support Economic Vitality: Improve regional transportation opportunities for commerce;
provide basic infrastructure needed to encourage business and growth within each community
and throughout the region; and support development of utility lines, energy, and other natural
Improve System Efficiency: Develop a transportation system that is sustainable for the future;
make choices that are cost effective to the user and the state; and, where reasonable,
coordinate the development of transportation and utilities to reduce environmental impact and
gain efficiencies.
Maintain or Improve Modal Safety: Apply sound engineering principles, including intelligent
transportation systems technology; provide adequate maintenance; and work with
enforcement, educational and emergency medical response entities.
Ensure Public Process: Consult with affected communities, tribal governments, local
governments, state and federal agencies, businesses, non‐governmental organizations, and the
general public; provide opportunities for input.