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Ketchikan South Tongass Ferry Terminal




Current Status

Insufficient funding is available to initiate the environmental phase of a federally funded project. No additional work is anticipated until an amount sufficient to complete the project through construction is identified and sufficient funding is programmed to carry the project through environmental, permitting, right of way and design.

Prior Meeting Dates

Ketchikan Public Meeting held on December 6, 2010, Saxman Community Hall, 6-9 PM. The final study report was presented and discussed.

Metlakatla Public Open House: March 9th from 1 to 3:30 pm at Metlakatla Municipal Building Council Chambers

Ketchikan Public Open House: March 9th from 6 to 9 pm at Saxman Tribal House, 2706 South Tongass Highway

Juneau Agency Meeting: March 10th from 2 to 4 pm at DOT&PF offices at 6860 Glacier Highway