The Alaska DOT&PF has completed the reconnaissance study on possible locations for a new AMHS ferry terminal along South Tongass Highway. That ferry terminal would be used by the Metlakatla to Ketchikan shuttle ferry to shorten that vessel’s route and allow for more frequent service.
The final report can be found in the Reports section of this website.
The consultants recommended sites for the South Tongass Highway Ferry Terminal in order of preference from an engineering, environmental and cost perspective are as follows:
1. Saxman B. This site has the overall lowest cost, a sheltered harbor, and the least environmental issues.
2. Mile 1.9. Of the operable sites, this has the next lowest cost, even though utilities would need to be developed. This site’s natural environmental issues are similar to other new development sites but, based on public input; it has the highest human environmental issues.
3. Saxman A. This is a less desirable site than the Saxman B or Mile 1.9 because of cost and impacts to business, but its environmental issues are similar to Saxman B.
4. Saxman Log Storage. Of the operable sites, this has the highest cost. A large new fill would be required as well as a large dock and piling structure. This site’s natural environmental issues are similar to other new development sites with somewhat less human environmental issues than at the Mile 1.9 site.
In a related project, DOT&PF, with funding from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), is constructing the Annette Bay Ferry Terminal at the end of the new Walden Point Road on Annette Island. With AMHS service between Annette Bay and a new South Tongass Highway ferry terminal, one or more round trips could be added.