Project No. Z634790000
2019 Construction
Alaska DOT&PF, in partnership with Exclusive Paving, will be constructing a roundabout at the intersection of Wembley Avenue and Danby Street, as well as reconstructing Wembley Avenue and installing an adjacent sidewalk.
Construction details
Traffic details
What will it look like when it’s done?
Check out this video for a simulated fly-through of the project design.
Danby Wembley Roundabout Fly-Through Simulation from AlaskaDOTPF on Vimeo.
Check throughout construction season for traffic updates. And check out our roundabouts page for more information about the safety and mobility benefits of roundabouts.
Project Background
Danby Street and Wembley Avenue serve the industrial area of Fairbanks that includes warehouse terminals for freight carriers and trucking companies serving the Fairbanks North Star area, the North Slope and beyond. The project is needed to improve safety and increase capacity and connectivity in the area as well as increase non-motorized access and connectivity in the area.
Project Purpose
The State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) is initiating a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project at the Danby Street and Wembley Avenue intersection (Danby-Wembley) in Fairbanks, Alaska. The objective is to upgrade the existing two-way stop controlled intersection with a modern roundabout in an effort to improve safety for all corridor and intersection users. The Danby-Wembley project is being funded through HSIP.
Project Scope
The project proposes to design and construct a facility to improve safety. Specific work includes:
Truck Trial
On August 11, 2016 the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities and consultant R&M, conducted a truck trial for the Danby-Wembley Roundabout Project in Fairbanks. During a truck trial, large vehicles with different configurations test the roundabout design to make sure they can easily pass through.
The Danby-Wembley project is currently in the design phase, with construction estimated for 2018. The information gathered during the truck trial will be used in the final design.
The area between the lines and the cones is called the truck apron. It is specifically designed to accommodate trucks of different sizes. This video shows a 150 foot truck using the roundabout.