In response to concern from the trucking community about delineators on the Dalton Highway, specifically the lack of difference between the left and right sides of the road, we are testing two possible new delineator designs. The new designs were installed on January 17, 2019, with active testing through spring 2019. We would like your feedback about how well the two test sections meet your needs and which kind of delineator you like best. We hope to install the new delineators in select locations as part of the Dalton Highway MP 362-414 paving project, which we hope to build this coming construction season.
If you have driven through these delineator test sections on the Dalton Highway and would like to provide feedback on how they met your needs, please take our survey online at We expect it will take about two minutes to complete.
There are two test sections between (about) mileposts 410-411. They are marked by orange signs as “Test Section 4” and “Test Section 5.” Each test section is 3,000 feet long. (We decided not to test the first three designs, which is why you won’t see test sections 1-3.)
Both sections have different delineators on the left side and right side of the road. We hope this helps drivers more clearly see where they are driving in relation to the roadway in low visibility conditions. Please see the two different delineator designs below.
In test section 4, you will see a delineator on the right side of the road with two 6-inch reflective strips on the post and two 6-inch reflective strips on the arm. On the left side, you will see one 12-inch reflective strip on the post and one 12-inch reflective strip on the arm.
In test section 5, you will see a delineator on the right side of the road with two 12-inch reflective strips on the post and two 6-inch reflective strips on the arm. On the left side, you will see one 36-inch reflective strip on the post and one 12-inch reflective strip on the arm.
The strips of reflective material that have been placed on the posts of the existing delineators have a higher degree of reflectivity than the reflective material on the arms. This is because we did not change the reflective materials on the arm. If we were to permanently install one of these designs on other sections of the Dalton Highway, both the post and the arm would be installed with the same reflective material.
One of the survey questions asks about the brightness of the reflective material on the posts. We are interested to know if you think it is too bright, or if it is an improvement on the current materials.
We developed three other options that we have decided not to test at this time. Each of these options would have installed triangular-shaped reflective materials on the arm to point toward the roadway. These options did not place any reflective material on the post—they only modified the material on the arms. After receiving some feedback from the trucking community on the first three designs, we decided they are not worth pursuing for testing. This is why you will only see test sections for designs 4 and 5 installed.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
For more information contact:
Caitlin Frye
Alaska DOT&PF
2301 Peger Rd
Fairbanks, AK 99709-5316
(907) 451-5307
To correspond by text telephone
(TDD) (907) 451-2363
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