2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
The DOT&PF Employee Recognition Awards occur each year. These awards are a chance for our employees to nominate co-workers with the formal recognition they deserve.
Over the last two years, this year’s winner has grown into a leader in his role. His subordinates respect him as an individual and follow him as a leader. His presence boosts moral and motivates everyone. He keeps a great attitude while managing one the hardest workloads for his region.
I’m pleased to announce Alaska DOT&PF's Employee of the Year is BENNIE CHAMBERS, Maintenance Specialist Foreman with the Division of Facilities Services in Fairbanks!
Thank you for your extraordinary work and dedication!
Commissioner Anderson, Alaska DOT&PF
Shelly Saviers is a Human Resource Consultant 1 with Admin Services, Human Resources in Juneau.
Lillian Cooks is an Accounting Technician 3 with the Admin Services Division in Anchorage.
Mike Rader is a Human Resource Consultant 5 with Admin Services, Human Resources in Juneau.
Jennifer McLaughlin is a Human Resource Consultant 2 with Admin Services, Human Resources in Anchorage.
Procurement Team in Admin Services:
Pam Bushnell is Chief Steward, MV Matanuska / MV Kennicott, for the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) in Ketchikan.
Andrea Stevens is an A/B Bosn with the Alaska Marine Highway System in Ketchikan.
Jenelle Brinkman is Group Chief with Central Region Aviation Design in Anchorage.
“Jenelle Brinkman is the epitome of a dedicated state employee and supervisor and embodies exemplary leadership over her team. In the past year she has led the Aviation Design team with unwavering support for professional development, fostering an environment of growth and learning, while also coordinating with her team to design and advertise millions of dollars of federally funded airport projects for the rural and international airport systems.”
“She is detailed and holistic, able to articulate needs of stakeholders, functional groups, and funding agencies in ways that everyone else can understand and alter workflows to accommodate.”
“Her remarkable ability to empower all parties involved allows her staff to take ownership of achievements and accomplishments, which has led to a collaborative and innovative work culture.”
“Jenelle is the first one there to lift us up, to offer words of support, encouragement, and to jump down in the trenches with us to get jobs done when we need it. She always pushes us to do better while allowing us to succeed and is first in line to celebrate that success with us. Importantly, when we bring concerns to her, she not only listens, but takes concrete actions to address them.”
Charlie Bentti is an Engineering Assistant 2 with Central Region Construction in Anchorage.
“Charlie Bentti has spent the last six years improving one of the worst sections of the highway between Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula - Seward Highway MP 75-90 - Portage Curve. Through two construction contracts near the Portage Curve, Charlie has helped oversee roughly $160 million worth of construction; including replacing eight of the most decrepit highway bridges in the state.”
“He performs daily activities with precision and accuracy, above and beyond the average engineer, to seek excellence on State and Federal construction projects.”
“He is a leader by example who is always willing to work abnormal hours and in stressful environments to see the project succeed.”
Dave Heyano is an Equipment Operator Journey 2 with Central Region, Anchorage District.
The nomination for this award highlighted Dave’s commitment to leading by example in pushing his team to do the best job possible, and the unassuming way in which he shares his knowledge and experience with the members of his team.
“Dave Heyano is a humble man, yet his leadership skills are astronomical.”
“He pushes his crew to go above and beyond. I learned a lot about painting highways and maintaining the equipment that lays the paint down.”
John Farr is an Engineering Assistant 3 with Central Region Design, MatSu District.
“He is always ready and willing to enthusiastically assist anyone who needs help”
“John Farr is constantly exploring new ways to make designers’ lives easier and expedite project delivery using things like scripts, obscure AutoCAD features, and GIS-to-CAD functionality. In addition, he uses his powers to drag the Department kicking and screaming into the 21st century by pushing our capabilities toward digital delivery.”
"John spends his own time outside of work improving his knowledge and skills, and it shows!”
Brian Elliott, Roy Dahlstrom, Jenna Difolco, Bob Effinger, Erik Hilsinger, Isaac Kelsey, Maureen Orr, Ryan Riddle, Mark Rollins, Drew Vonlindern, Heidi Zimmer
“The Central Region Environmental Section staff serves as integral members of our design teams, contributing to every project undertaken within our region. Their dedication plays a pivotal role in the department's overall success.”
“Their exceptional reputation extends beyond our Central Region team, as our consultant partners also rely on their knowledge and expertise.”
“This team communicates well, sets realistic timelines, effectively prioritizes tasks, and expedites work when necessary, frequently adapting to shifting project deadlines.”
“Furthermore, the staff maintains open lines of communication with design managers, providing regular updates on work status and offering assistance as needed. They are fully engaged members of our teams, contributing their expertise from project inception to completion.”
Christel Burgess is Chief of Leasing with Fairbanks International Airport.
Katherine Lujan is an Administratiave Office 1 with Fairbanks International Airport.
The Northern Region Administrative Team:
Sara Lucey is a Transportation Planner 2 with Program Development in Fairbanks.
Liz Balstad is a Transportation Planner 2 with Program Development in Juneau.
The AOP CulvertsTeam with Program Development:
Joe Peterson is an Administrative Assistant 3, Perssonnel Team Supervisor with Southcoast Region Support Services in Juneau.
Rick Eubank is an Engineering Assistant 3 with Southcoast Region Materials in Juneau.
Christy Genteman is an Environmental Impact Analyst 3 with Southcoast Region Design in Juneau
Miguel Paz is an Engineering Technician Sub Journey 3 with Southcoast Region Materials in Juneau.
Veronica Owens is an Emergency Services Dispatcher II with Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport Police and Fire.
Jennifer Pepin is an Engineer/Architect 2 with Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport Administration.
Steven Heilman is a Police & Fire Officer 2 with Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport Police and Fire.
ANC Ops Officers & Airport Terminal Ops Specialists: