Project # CFAPT00491 / AIP 3-02-0122-021-2023
When: Friday, March 7, 2025 | 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Where: Homer City Hall, 419 East Pioneer Avenue
Join the team at this public meeting as they share information with the community about the upcoming construction season, including the airport closure schedule.
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, in cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration, is rehabilitating and improving the Homer Airport and associated airport facilities. Through this project we will make improvements to the runway, taxiways, and general aviation apron.
The Homer Airport is a state-owned, public-use, primary commercial service airport serving the southern Kenai Peninsula and eastern Cook Inlet. The airport receives scheduled passenger and cargo service, with approximately 53,000 annual aircraft operations for all operation types including commercial, air taxi, general aviation, and military. Current airport facilities include a 6,701-foot-long by 150-foot-wide asphalt runway, passenger terminal, lighted helipad, flight service station, and floatplane facilities.
Work on this project includes:
A map showing the work that will be completed through this project.
Construction on this project began in 2023 and is expected to be complete in 2025.
2025 construction impacts will include temporary airport closures. To learn more about the 2025 construction schedule join us at our in-person project meeting on Friday, March 7 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m at Homer City Hall, 419 East Pioneer Avenue.
For construction updates, call 907-242-4889. Members of the public can also join our weekly phone meetings on Thursdays at 8 a.m. with conference number 907-268-6372 and meeting ID 490419.
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