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Reimbursable Grant Program

Grants are available to help plan, design or complete construction improvements that enable and encourage children to safely walk and bicycle to school. Eligible recipients include state, local and regional agencies, and nonprofit organizations with a sponsor. 

The FAST Act eliminates the MAP-21 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and replaces it with a set-aside of Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) program funding for transportation alternatives (TA). These set-aside funds include all projects and activities that were previously eligible under TAP, encompassing a variety of smaller-scale transportation projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, safe routes to school projects, community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management, and environmental mitigation related to stormwater and habitat connectivity, populations, and apportioned funding to rural, urban and a statewide program.

Matching ratio has been reduced from 20% to 9.03% due to the Alaska sliding scale.

Grants are available for Safe Routes to Schools program through the Transportation Alternatives Program. Located here:
