Julius Adolfsson,
Statewide Bike and Pedestrian Coordinator
This website features information on active transportation in Alaska and is designed to help you locate the programs and features that support active transportation in Alaska. As American's concept of quality of life is changing, our neighborhoods and transportation systems are adapting. Trails, paths, and bicycle routes are springing up across the country and Alaska. The active transportation facilities and network will help offset environmental and health concerns by providing another travel option – whether commuting across town or a cross country adventure. If you're interested in bikepacking in Alaska or just want to know how to get around, you can navigate over to the travel resources tab above. Where possible, we provide links to local tourism sites for more detailed information about travel amenities and features in each area.
The 2019 ASATP will help the Sate of Alaska with an updated approach to active transportation planning. It acknowledges the progress that has been made since the previous Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan was adopted in 1994. The ASATP sets a framework for how to plan and measure progress toward a vision for increase and safer active transportation opportunities and activity levels across the state. The plan is consistent with the "family of plans" such as the Long Range Transportation Plan. The plan can be found at the Active Transportation Long Range Plan web page.
The Federal Highway Administration has compiled a list that indicates eligibility for pedestrian and bicycle activities and projects under the current U.S. Department of Transportation surface transportation funding programs. Activities and projects need to meet program eligibility requirements. See notes and basic program requirements with links to program information. Project sponsors should integrate the safety, accessibility, equity, and convenience of walking and bicycling into surface transportation projects.
The list can be found here.
Alaska Active Transportation Related Plans, Policies, and Ordinances