Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will the project be constructed?
A: The project’s current schedule anticipates construction in 2024, but is contingent on obtaining all required project certifications and permits.
Q: What will be the project cost and where will the money come from?
A: The construction cost estimate for this Federally funded project ranges between $8 – 9 million. As the design progresses, the estimate will be refined.
Q: The road is very narrow and is the only access to where I live. How will you keep the road open during construction?
A: Keeping the road open at all times during construction is a priority. As the design progresses, we will look very closely at construction sequencing and traffic control to ensure we can keep the road open and safe for those who need to use it.
DOT&PF file photo
If you have any questions or comments about the design, please contact:
Russell Johnson, P.E.
Alaska DOT&PF
2301 Peger Rd Fairbanks, AK 99709-5316
(907) 451-5059 or
If you have any right of way questions please contact:
Dan Pistor
(907) 451-5434 or
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