Why is this project needed?
Richardson Highway traffic volumes are expected to continue to grow, which will make safe access to and from surrounding property increasingly difficult.
Our desired outcome is to:
What problems will this project improve?
The project will improve safety and accessibility for drivers in this high-speed corridor by reducing the number of traffic conflict locations and by providing improved illuminated intersections with acceleration and deceleration lanes. The frontage road system in the area will be improved and more fully developed to serve access needs for properties adjacent to the Richardson Highway.
Studies show these types of improvements in similar areas have reduced crashes by up to 75% and reduced driver delay by up to 25%.
What is the construction cost estimate and where will the funds come from?
The project funding source is the Federal Highway Administration and the current construction cost estimate is between $15 and $20 Million.
Will this project require private property to build?
The design requires some new right of way due to the larger improved intersections and expanded frontage roads. Larger intersections are required to allow room for multiple vehicles to wait at the intersections and to accommodate large commercial trucks that need more room to safely maneuver the intersections.
What is the schedule for this project?
Construction is tentatively scheduled for the Summer of 2019 but is contingent on funding availability and completion of all required right of way acquisition.
For more information contact:
Brian Herning
DOT&PF Engineering Manager
2301 Peger Rd
Fairbanks, AK 99709-5316
(907) 451-3018
To correspond by text telephone
(TDD) (907) 451-2363