Metlakatla, meaning "salt water passage" is a traditional Tsimshian Indian community on the federal Annette Island Reserve. The 86,000 acre island reservation and surrounding waters are locally-controlled and not subject to state jurisdiction. Although the majority of its population is Tsimshian, Metlakatla is also home to many individuals with diverse tribal affiliations such as Tlingit, Haida, Aleut, Yupik, and other Alaska Native peoples. Visit for more information on available activities and accommodations.
Located 8 nautical miles from Ketchikan or a forty five minute ferry ride, Metlakatla is the only community served by the Marine Highway with a dedicated vessel which provides daily service. They have an active economy, subsistence lifestyle and are the only Indian reservation in Alaska. The community prospers due to an abundance of natural resources and the ability to harvest salmon, halibut, cod, seaweed, clams and waterfowl.

Metlakatla Port & Terminal Information (MET)
Metlakatla, AK 99901Visit Google Maps
Centrally located in town
Contact: AMHS Reservations Call Center
(800) 642-0066
- Men's/Women's Bathroom/changing station
- Vending machines/ATM machine
- Customer parking
- Terminal seating
- Ticket counter
- Taxi for public transportation
- Local phone line/taxi phone
- Tourism Information/brochures
- Book exchange
- Pet convenience area
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