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Regional Transportation Planning in Alaska

Additional resources:

For more information contact:
Judy Chapman
Program Development Chief
(907) 451-5150

For individuals requiring TTY communications, please contact Alaska Relay at 7-1-1 or 1-800-770-8973.

We want to help bring regional transportation planning closer to the communities we serve. That means you being more involved in your community's transportation decisions! To help facilitate a more collaborative statewide transportation planning effort, we here at the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) have established a Regional Planning Organization (RPO) Pilot Program. Communities from around the state are encouraged to participate in this new opportunity that allows them to have a formal seat at the statewide transportation planning table.

What do RPOs do?

RPOs help guide transportation planning decisions throughout the state. RPOs work within their local communities to fine-tune transportation planning to meet the needs of local stakeholders. Participants in the RPO Pilot Program will advocate for transportation issues they deem important in their region, help draft long range transportation plans, establish a formal channel of communication with DOT&PF, and ensure the public remains engaged throughout the process.

Get involved!

Do you think your area is ready to form an RPO Pilot? Are you interested, but need training, support, or more information? Take this readiness survey!

If you have experience with transportation planning, opinions about unmet transportation needs in Alaska, or know how DOT&PF could better support transportation planning efforts in your region, respond to our Request for Information (RFI). We are looking for feedback as we begin developing regulations to govern the establishment and operation of a formal and permanent RPO Program statewide.

Want to chat with someone about RPOs? Send us an email

Our next steps

The intent of the RPO Pilot Program is to gather feedback from participants about how to best support transportation planning in Alaska. This feedback and the experiences of RPO Pilots will inform the regulations that will eventually govern a formal RPO Program statewide. Our continuing outreach efforts also include the following next steps:

  1. We are currently conducting outreach through our Readiness Survey and RFI to learn how communities want to be supported and how they envision the future of RPOs in Alaska. Outreach is an ongoing process, so please feel free to reach out to us at any time!
  2. We are developing an RPO toolkit to assist newly established RPO Pilots while they are first getting up and running. If you have ideas of what you would like to see included in this toolkit, please let us know.
  3. DOT&PF plans on hosting an in-person conference with various RPO-specific trainings and workshops. Current public input will help guide the types of trainings offered, let us know what you would like to see! The date of this conference has yet to be determined.
  4. We will continue to provide training and support to RPOs after they are formed.
Check back here for materials, progress updates, and more information as the pilot program continues and we learn more about how we can support regions in planning for the future of transportation in Alaska.