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St. Michael Airport Rehabilitation
Project No. Z626520000

Project Description

The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF), in cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), is planning a number of needed improvements to the St Michael Airport. The purpose of this project is to meet FAA standards, as well as improve safety, reliability, and operational efficiency of the airport.

As part of the project, DOT&PF proposes the following improvements:

  • Widening the Runway Safety Area from 120 to 150 feet.
  • Rehabilitating the taxiway.
  • Flattening the Runway Safety Area slopes from 2:1 to 4:1.
  • Replace the existing lighting system.
  • Realigning the airport access road and repairing the embankment.
  • Applying dust palliative.
  • Rehabilitating the Snow Removal Equipment Building.

The St. Michael Airport will be closed during portions of the construction with air traffic diverted to Stebbins airport approximately 8 road miles away.

St. Michael Airport

Project Status

DOT&PF is finalizing permitting and contract documents to advertise for a construction contract in summer 2016. Construction is anticipated in summer 2017.