Old Richardson Highway Intersection Improvements Project No. NFHWY00158 / 0620010
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes to improve the intersections of 5th Avenue/Santa Claus Lane, 5th Avenue/Old Richardson Highway, and Old Richardson Highway/8th Avenue/NPHS Boulevard in North Pole, Alaska. The project is located in Sections 9 and 16, Township 2S, Range 2E, Fairbanks meridian.
Project Scope, Purpose, and Need
- Improve intersections in North Pole at Santa Claus Lane and East 5th Avenue, and North Pole High School Boulevard at Old Richardson Highway and 8th Avenue. Work will include roadside hardware and utilities. The railroad crossings will also be improved to current standards.
- The purpose of the project is to improve the traffic operations, pedestrian facilities, and safety of the 5th Avenue/Santa Claus Lane, 5th Avenue/Old Richardson Highway, and Old Richardson Highway/8th Avenue/NPHS Boulevard intersections in North Pole, Alaska. The project will also bring the two existing railroad-road at-grade crossings up to current standards.
Project Schedule
- In construction
- Completion date: October 31, 2022
Traffic during construction
- Only one intersection to be closed to traffic at a time.
- ADA route will be available at each intersection
- Traffic will not be restricted 7:00am – 9:15am and 2:00pm – 4:00pm
- Before May 30th and After August 8th (school drop off and pick up)

Project Limits

5th Avenue Improvements
5th Avenue
The proposed work consists of constructing a new asphalt pathway along the north side of 5th Avenue between Santa Claus Lane and Old Richardson Highway. The pathway will be ten-feet wide and taper to tie into the existing five-foot sidewalk along Santa Claus Lane and into the existing eight-foot wide pathway along Old Richardson Highway. Per the DT recommendations, the pathway will be attached to the road in order to minimize the number of traffic control devices in the area. Curb and gutter will be added to provide a delineation between the roadway and pathway and to aid in drainage. ADA-compliant curb ramps and tactile warning plates will be installed where appropriate.
Construction of the pathway will require relocating a light pole and a utility pole. In addition, the train signal controller box north of 5th Avenue will be replaced with updated equipment and will be relocated to be outside of the sight triangle at the railroad crossing.
New train crossing signals will be installed at the railroad-road/pathway crossing that will serve both the new pathway and the roadway.
The westbound stop bar at the 5th Avenue/Old Richardson Highway intersection will be relocated closer to Old Richardson Highway to provide adequate vehicle storage room between the intersection and the railroad tracks.
An LED-embedded stop sign will replace the existing sign for the southbound approach of the 5th Avenue/Santa Claus Lane intersection, to enhance traffic control compliance.

8th Avenue Improvements
8th Avenue
The proposed work consists of constructing a new asphalt pathway on the north side of 8th Avenue between Snowman Lane and Old Richardson Highway. The pathway will be ten-feet wide and taper to five feet at Snowman Lane for connection to the future sidewalk installation along Snowman Lane. A section of pathway will also be constructed on the northeast corner of the 8th Avenue/Snowman Lane to provide connectivity to the existing pathway on the south side of 8th Avenue. The existing marked crosswalk over the west leg of the 8th Avenue/Snowman Lane intersection will be removed, and new crosswalk markings will be placed across the north and east legs of the 8th Avenue/Snowman Lane intersection. Relocating the crosswalks will provide more vehicular storage room between the intersection and the railroad tracks. Per the DT recommendations, the pathway will be attached to the road in order to minimize the number of traffic control devices in the area. Curb and gutter will be added to provide a delineation between the roadway and pathway and to aid in drainage. ADA-compliant curb ramps and tactile warning plates will be installed where appropriate.
New stop and yield signs will be installed at the railroad-road/pathway crossing that will accommodate both the new pathway and the roadway.
A marked crosswalk will be placed across the highway at the Old Richardson Highway/8th Avenue/NPHS Boulevard intersection. For enhanced visual conspicuity, the new crosswalk will be marked with longitudinal lines bounded by transverse lines and pedestrian crossing signs will be installed.
Vegetation will be cleared between the railroad tracks and the pedestrian fence on the north side of 8th Avenue at the 8th Avenue crossing as well as between the railroad tracks and the highway from 5th Avenue to 8th Avenue in order to provide adequate sight distance between trains and vehicles.
Public Involvement
Public input is vital to the project, below is a list of meetings and actions.
- Project nominated by FAST Planning in March, 2015
- Project approved by FAST Planning Policy Board on August 12, 2015
- Public meetings were held on February 27 and November 7, 2018