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Dalton Highway MP 109-144 Reconstruction
Project Number: Z607380000/0653007

A truck on the Dalton.

The Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF), in cooperation with the Alaska Division of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes to reconstruct 35 miles of the Dalton Highway.

Purpose & Need:

The 415 mile long Dalton Highway is a vital link in Alaska’s transportation network. Initially constructed as a haul road for the development of Prudhoe Bay oilfields, the roadway does not meet current design standards. Reconstruction of the Dalton Highway between Mile Post (MP) 109 to MP 144 will address critical segments of the highway. The project will also address issues such as narrow roadway, lack of shoulders, thawing permafrost and drainage issues. Improvements will reduce state funded maintenance costs and prolong the service life of the road.

Project Scope:

Project area.
Click on image for project area map.

This project proposes the following actions:

  • Widen all areas to 32 feet (12 foot lanes and 4 foot shoulders)
  • Improve roadway surfacing
  • Roadway embankment repairs in areas of distress and settlement
  • Install new signage
  • Replacement of guardrail at 7 bridge crossings
  • Realignment of sharp curves and steep grades to bring features to current design standards*
  • Replacement of Douglas Creek Bridge at approximate MP 142
  • Development of two new material sites (MP 114 and MP 125) and expansion of an existing material site at MP 145 to provide suitable materials
  • Drainage improvements, including the replacement of culverts as needed
  • Relocation of utilities as appropriate

* All curves and grades will be evaluated. Some may require design exceptions/waivers if meeting the standard is not practical or cost effective for the Dalton Highway.

Project Status:

The environmental document for the project has been completed. Design of the section of the highway between MP 120 and MP 135 is currently (summer 2022) ongoing. Right-of-Way negotiation is ongoing (summer 2025).

Project Schedule:

Construction for the project will be broken into three phases, and is anticipated to begin in 2026.