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General Travel Information

Visit the Travel Resources page for more land, air, sea and commercial travel information.

Studded Tires:

small infographic about studded tires that opens a larger version
  • In Alaska, it is unlawful to operate a motor vehicle with studded tires on a paved highway or road from May 1st through September 15th, inclusive, north of 60° North Latitude (all communities north of Ninilchik)
    it is unlawful to operate a motor vehicle with studded tires on a paved highway or road from April 15th through September 30th, inclusive, south of 60° North Latitude (Anchor Point, Homer, Kodiak and cities and towns in Southeast Alaska), except that at any latitude on a paved portion of the Sterling Highway a person may not operate a motor vehicle with studded tires from May 1st through September 15th, inclusive.
  • ANCHORAGE DRIVERS: Municipality of Anchorage changed their ordinance in fall 2019, to not allow studded tires within Anchorage city limits until Oct. 1. State law differs, allowing studded tires north of 60 Latitude on Sept. 16. However, Anchorage Police officers can ticket a motorist with studded tires if they are within the city limits. Studded tires are allowed outside of Anchorage city limits (north of 60 Latitude) on Sept. 16.The MOA ordinance is 19-13.
small infographic about studded tires

Reporting Potholes:
small infographic about potholes that opens a larger version

WARNING: Water and asphalt do not mix. Potholes result when water gets into and under asphalt. Motorists should reduce speed while driving through all puddles especially large puddles. We have had many reports of flat tires due to drivers driving too fast through puddles and hitting unseen potholes. Report potholes promptly to the nearest maintenance station in your area.

To report potholes on major state routes:

To report potholes on local roads:

small banner about potholes

Snow Removal: