UPDATE: 2:25 PM June 14, 2023
The Dalton Highway remains OPEN at MP 403.5. Traffic control is in place with one lane of access available.
Water rose as expected, but may not get to previously expected high. Dike construction and roadway work continues. All other areas appear to have been stabilized at this point.
UPDATE: 12:20 PM June 13, 2023
The Dalton Highway remains OPEN at MP 403.5. Traffic control is in place with one lane of access available.
Currently material is being hauled from “Conglomerate” at MP 261. Sag River water levels dropped overnight but are expected to come back up over the next 24 hours. Dike construction is helping the headcut area in the river at MP 403.5 and expansion of the dike is planned for today (06/13) in preparation for any rise in water levels. All other areas appear to have been stabilized at this point.
UPDATE: 2:45 PM June 12, 2023
The Dalton Highway remains open at milepost 403.5 to one-lane traffic with 24hr flagging operations in effect. Please drive carefully through this area as work continues with rock being hauled to the site and placed along the eroded embankment.
Water has receded slightly over the last day but is expected increase 2’ over the next 48 hours. Planned dike construction should help headcut area at MP 403.5, all other areas appear to have been stabilized at this point. DOT&PF has hydrologists on site and is working with NOAA to carefully monitor Sag River levels and watch for further erosion at 403.5 or other locations where the road and river are adjacent.
Check current conditions at 511.alaska.gov.
UPDATE: 10:00 AM June 11, 2023
Sag River erosion of the highway has slowed overnight and stabilization efforts are continuing to be effective.
The road remains one lane only at MP 403.5, with flagging operations 24hrs. Work continues, please drive carefully.
While Sag River water levels have gone down for now, a rebound is expected early in the week from warmer temperatures and continued meltwater input. DOT&PF hydrologists are monitoring carefully.
UPDATE: 8:00 PM June 10, 2023
Highway remains open to one lane at milepost 403.5, flagging operations in effect 24 hours a day. DOT&PF continues to place material to stabilize slope and mobilize material sources.
Sag River levels expected to dip briefly over the weekend and rise again Monday. NOAA assisting with monitoring weather conditions and river behavior.
Updates current at 511.alaska.gov.
UPDATE: 10:30 AM June 10, 2023
The road remains open to traffic, but one lane only through the affected area at MP403.5. Traffic control is in place, with 24 hour flagging operations.
DOT&PF is working with contractors and other agencies to mobilize rock and vehicles from as far away as MP261. Ten super side dumpers are hauling material from the north side and more vehicles are being mobilized to bring material from the south side.
Weather reports suggest that high water will remain high for the coming days with warmer weather in the Sag River headwaters contributing to increased meltwater. DOT&PF is working with NOAA to keep close tabs on the river’s expected height.
DOT&PF engineers are also keeping close watch and adding material to other points along the Dalton Highway and the Sag River nearby that are seeing some erosion as well. Additional personnel are being mobilized to be able to work around the clock.
UPDATE: 3:30 PM June 9, 2023
Alaska DOT&PF is responding to a washout event on the Dalton Highway at milepost 403.5 along the Sagavanirktok River (Sag River). Repairs are under way and the road remains open. Traffic is reduced to one lane with traffic controls in place. Use caution if traveling through the area.
Our team is monitoring the river flow and increases in water level. Flows in the Sag River could remain high through the weekend with a combination of snowmelt in the upper basin and forecast light to moderate precipitation in the headwaters.
Repair work is being undertaken to stabilize the bank and repair the roadway. Material is being hauled from sites up to 150 miles away as resources locally are sparse. DOT staff are on site to monitor the erosion and direct repairs. Other points along the Sag River are also seeing minor erosion and are being monitored.
The high water on the Sag River is part of the seasonal breakup cycle. There is ice upriver of the erosion site that is diverting water toward the Dalton highway from the main channel. There is a chance that melting in the main channel will help reduce the water level along the roadway.
Drone footage: Dalton Hwy MP403.5, June 8, 2023 from Alaska DOT&PF.
UPDATE: June 8, 2023
DALTON HIGHWAY MP 403.5 road is currently OPEN to single-lane of traffic. DOT&PF staff are monitoring the river flow and the road as repairs continue. We will update more as information comes in.
UPDATE: 11:40 AM June 8, 2023
Contractors are continuing to deliver additional rock to replenish what was lost to the river. Currently, we do not have an anticipated timeframe for what time the road will open. We’re committed to providing updates here on social media, 511 and to our partners even if there is no new news to share.
Our team monitoring the river reported significant increase in flows over the last 24 hours. We expect flows in the Sag River to level off but could remain high through the weekend with a combination of snowmelt in the upper basin and forecast light to moderate precipitation in the headwaters of the Sag River. With this, our crews continue to make improvements needed to open the road safely and quickly.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to work on making repairs. Remember, for your most updated traffic information, crisis or construction, check 511.alaska.gov
UPDATE: 6:00 AM June 8, 2023
Yesterday, the Dalton Highway washed out at MP 403.5 and eroded to the centerline. Crews acted quickly to mitigate additional erosion and contractors were brought on early to begin making repairs and hauling materials. This morning, repairs will continue as multiple trucks haul material from the 150-mile away site. The road remains closed this morning during these operations and we will report again at 10 a.m., or sooner, with additional details.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to rebuild this road. For your most updated traffic information, crisis or construction, check 511.alaska.gov
UPDATE: 8:46 PM June 7, 2023
Dalton Hwy is CLOSED at MP 403.5 due to a washout caused from to Sag River breakup. Here is what we are doing:
Tomorrow morning our team will debrief early with boots on the ground crews for updates on night operations. We will provide an update here on social media as well as update 511 if needed and contact our partners. In the meantime, thank you for your patience as we continue to work through this evolving situation.
For your most updated traffic information, crisis or construction, check: 511.alaska.gov
UPDATE: 3:05 PM June 7, 2023
ALERT NORTHERN REGION--Dalton Hwy MP403 roadway washing out with potential of losing the roadway. Our crews are working to save the road. Please follow 511.alaska.gov for updates and always check road conditions before traveling.
Danielle Tessen, Public Information Officer (Acting)
Northern Region
(907) 451-5311