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Press Release: 19-0035
Contact: Shannon McCarthy, (907) 269-0448,

Cost-Saving Lighting Curfew Extends to C Street in Anchorage
Department continues expanding street light outages to save general fund dollars.

(ANCHORAGE, Alaska) – Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF) officials are extending the lighting curfew to C Street between Tudor and Minnesota (O’Malley), a distance of 3.8 miles.

The lighting curfew uses photo cell on circuits to shut off street lights between midnight and 5 a.m. to conserve operating funds for other important maintenance activities, such as snow and ice removal. These late night hours are when there is the least amount of traffic on the road.

This is the third section of roadway that DOT&PF has extended the curfew to, with additional segments on the Glenn Highway and Trunk Road planned for later this summer.

When the lighting curfew is fully implemented, the department expects to save approximately $198,000 per year.

The department is also converting eligible roadways to LED lighting with federal funds as repair cycles occur. Combined LED retrofits and curfews have the potential to reduce state costs by up to 75% of the existing system costs.

The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities oversees 237 airports, 9 ferries serving 35 communities along 3,500 marine miles, over 5,600 miles of highway and 839 public facilities throughout the state of Alaska. The mission of the department is to “Keep Alaska Moving through service and infrastructure.”

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