Project Background
The Klehini River Bridge was built in 1971 using two 120 ft spans salvaged from the old Juneau Mendenhall River Bridge originally built in 1931. Inspections indicate that the existing bridge is structurally deficient and functionally obsolete.
Below is a timeline for the Klehini River Bridge Replacement Project
7/2011 – Funding approved to begin the project preliminary design
12/2012 – Notice to public in newspaper for comment
12/2012 – Scoping letters sent to resource agencies for comment
3/2013 – Initiated consultation with parties regarding cultural resources
7/2013 – Consulting Parties notified of a Section 106 Finding of No Adverse Affect to Historic Properties
7/2013 – State Historic Preservation Officer Concurred with Section 106 Findings
12/2012 to Present – Continued coordination with agencies and interested parties
regarding potentially affected resources.
An Environmental Document is expected to be completed in late winter 2015
Resources & Issues under Evaluation